I have to hand it to people working in jobs where they have to show up day in, day out for the good of the community such as medical and emergency staff. They must have a resilience and internal fortitude about them and these are admirable qualities to have and I wish I had 1/10th […]
Levelling Up Your Skills Through Mini Challenges
One of the things I do to level up my skills when I feel that I’m getting: Comfortable Complacent Stagnant Is to create little mini challenges for myself. They don’t have to be HUGE enough to have me give up half way through them but not too easy that they’re not exciting or enticing enough […]
Separation & Flow
Relax, it’s not what you’re thinking. Although, it’s disheartening to hear of so many separations happening in my life. I guess it’s my age and to be expected when my friends, families and peers have reached a point in lives where their children have grown and left home and they face new realities about the […]
Choose Your Own Adventure
Last night we sat down in front of the television with no plan other than to chill out. I had some knitting to do so I turned to my husband and asked, “Can we watch a movie?” I’ve been finding that sometimes I just want to watch a short movie that doesn’t require bingeing on […]
Couch to 5K
One of the activities I began during isolation when the world was cooped up in their homes was a daily morning walk – a long one at that for a full hour and many times, an hour and a half. Throughout this time, I continued to work three days a week so remote work was […]
Is 2020 over yet?
I feel it’s been ages since I have written here and I think it’s partly because I can’t wait until 2020 is finally over. We’re only in June and already I feel that it’s been a long drawn out year that has left me – and many others – feeling worse for wear. I keep […]
Weekly Rapt: The Paradox of Professional Autonomy – on Reflective Practice in the Workplace
Welcome to Weekly Rapts Every week I come across some exceptional articles, books, videos, tweets and other stuff that captures my attention and inspires me to action which could be to write about a blog post; have a conversation about it with someone; create something from it; escape down a rabbit warren to learn more […]
Reflective Practice in the Workplace
“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.[Christopher Hitchens] This week I was invited to be a guest on the Good Practice podcast (a podcast on Work, Learning and Performance) which I accepted with some hesitation. (You should have seen the long-winded DM response in Twitter […]
Reading Books as Sense Making
Many of you already know about my return to fiction reading after becoming so frustrated with reading only what other people were reading in the area of Learning and Development, Marketing, Business and Entrepreneurship. I think I reached a saturation point with those because it was the same people talking about the same books, talking […]
A Pack of Podcasts
So what’s a collection of podcasts called? A Panel, a pack, a pile…? Last week, I needed some more podcasts to listen to and sent out a request to learn what people were listening to. I wanted something different to learning and development (got this one down pat) or true crime (not my taste). So […]
Weekly Rapts
Welcome to Weekly Rapts Every week I come across some exceptional articles, books, videos, tweets and other stuff that captures my attention and inspires me to action which could be to write about a blog post; have a conversation about it with someone; create something from it; escape down a rabbit warren to learn more […]
Amsterdam Meet Up on Saturday 23 June 2018 at 6pm Delirium Cafe
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/amsterdam-saturday-drinks-dinner-meet-up-at-the-delirium-cafe-tickets-46960055791
This Week’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning Week of 26 June 2017
Here are this week’s snap stories of personal learning. It’s been an incredible week learning about Australian maritime history, Convict Settlement, Podcasting, Personal Productivity and how different cultures use Social Media. Monday 26 June 2017 First day of a new week and it’s all systems go. In today’s snapstory, I look like something the cat dragged […]
The Enigma Around Social Learning
I’m convinced that there’s an enigma around social learning. Recently I presented at the eLearning Instructional Designer’s Meetup and I had a massive realisation. Learning and Development don’t really understand what social learning is and the business doesn’t care much about it. It was confirmed by a quick survey I created and disseminated on Yammer […]
A New Personal Productivity Planner
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been trialling out a new Personal Productivity planner and I’m scratching my head about it. In all honesty, I’m not entirely convinced that it’s the best way to manage all projects and tasks…but I could be wrong, it’s still early days yet. How Did I Start This New Method? […]
Melbourne Learning Summit
Yesterday I attended the Melbourne Learning Summit. It’s a meetup group for Melbourne based Learning and Development professionals that are hosted by the group members for the group members. The topic of the summit was “Building a Learning Culture”. I found out about this group recently through an ex-colleague in the organisation, IAG I finished […]
This Week’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning Week of 12 June 2017
Here are this week’s snap stories of personal learning (and what I’ve been working on) for the week starting Monday 12 June 2017. Monday 12 June 2017 Well, it was the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. Usually, on weekends and holidays, I don’t snap. Just as well because they’d be really boring. They’d be of me […]
What’s Marketing Got to Do With Learning?
Yesterday I had the honour being the invited guest on Social Chefs, a social media marketing show hosted by Christian Karasiewicz (@ckroks) and Nick Rishwain (@NickJRishwain). Now you might be asking what has this got to do with learning and development? I was asking the same thing initially so after checking out some of their […]
This Week’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning Week of 5 June 2017
Here are this week’s snap stories of personal learning week of 5th June. Monday 5 June 2017 Today is the start of International Work Out Loud Week. I talk about what is working out loud and why we need it as well as talk about my curation course. Tuesday 6 June 2017 The night before I […]
Have We Reached Saturation with Social Networks?
I’m in love with Snapchat. There I’ve said it. For the last couple of years I just “didn’t get it”. It was one social medium that I had no idea how to use, how to find followers and the whole point of disappearing snaps. I discounted it too quickly without realising the huge benefit of […]