Some years ago, I was surfing through my Facebook feed and Ann McCrossen @annemcx who writes about the emergent organisation shared a PDF called The Radcliffe Red List of Endangered Crafts. Ann is also a wonderful ceramic artist when she’s not writing about organisations and in her website, she shares that part of herself, the […]
Reading Books as Sense Making
Many of you already know about my return to fiction reading after becoming so frustrated with reading only what other people were reading in the area of Learning and Development, Marketing, Business and Entrepreneurship. I think I reached a saturation point with those because it was the same people talking about the same books, talking […]
Learning in the Modern Workplace
In my recent blog post titled Drawing as Thinking…and a Treasure Map about #MadMapMarch, I wrote how I delved into some journal articles that explained the benefits of using different ways to express ourselves as a challenge to the way we think. In this case, it was comic books. That is, drawing our thoughts in a comic book format […]
Learning Through Making
On Friday, I headed over to my parents and walked into my father’s art studio to check out what he was up to. He had been watching YouTube videos on how to do book binding and was on a roll with creating these for himself. As an artist, he had a lot of loose leaf […]
Microsoft Service Adoption Course on EdX
This month I started another MOOC on EdX designed by Microsoft’s Principal PM Manager Karuana Gatimu and Content Developer Brandon Neeb called Microsoft Service Adoption Course. The course was published this year and had been shared across social media through many Microsoft consultants who are responsible for programs that involve the adoption of collaborative systems. […]
A New Way to Use Social Media Video as a Coaching Tool
Many of you know how much I love Snapchat as I have written much about it on this blog. Out of all the social networks I have used, it’s the one that has provided me with most personal development (storytelling, video creation and public speaking), as well as connected me to a global audience of […]
Create Your Own Personal Learning Plan
How do you create your own personal learning plan? Some time ago, I was looking at ways to be more productive in my work and learning; and one way I did this was to list down all the various tasks I needed to complete during the week. Many of my tasks were simple To Do […]
The Wonder of Working with Creative Teams
I’m working on a fake news channel on Snapchat and here I put some reflections down on the value I’m receiving from being part of this creative team. The Wonder of Creating with Teams This blog post by Helen Blunden was written in Melbourne, Australia and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Never […]
Social Learning Is Personal
Ever since late last year, I’ve been revisiting my old work, blog posts, and references sitting in Evernote folders to do with connectivism and came up with the thought that, “social learning IS personal”. Let me explain. For the last few years, working as an independent consultant has been challenging to say the least. It necessitated […]
Return to Roots
For a while now, I’ve been contemplating a return to roots. In the last few months from the tail end of annus horribilis that was 2017 to now, a series of events – mainly due to conversations and collaborations with people outside my field of corporate learning and development, has made me reflect on the […]
What Business Can Learn From Fake News
What happens when a group of people who have never met in real life, create a fake news channel that inspires people around the world? The idea came from content creator, Cameron Murray (@CammySutra6) from Glasgow who, tired of the fake news and influencers in social media content marketing took matters in his own hands to create […]
Work Book Clubs As Social Learning Experiences
I’m putting it out there. I don’t understand people who say that they never read books – or even worse, “never have time to read a book”. They may as well say that they don’t value their own growth and personal development. The easiest way to learn something new and incorporate it into our lives […]
How to Work Out Loud: A Month of Different Activities to Do on Your Enterprise Social Network
The question I get asked by business is how to work out loud so here is a guide I have created that you can follow over the course of one month to set up the habit and practice using your enterprise social network. What is Working Out Loud? Working out loud is the process of […]
A New Way To Create Podcasts
I found a new way to create podcasts for those who have been asking me this question over the last couple of years. And it’s too easy. In an employment contract with an organisation some time ago, I remember trawling Yammer one morning while having breakfast at my desk. I came across an internal business […]
Why We Post
Some years ago on Facebook, I made an intriguing observation on why we post. On my feed, I saw a variety of different types of posts. Ignoring the sponsored posts and paid advertisements, I looked at what posts seemed to have more discussion and engagement with my family, friends and peers. I noticed that posts […]
Inspire Learning in the Workplace
This article was published in the Modern Workplace Learning Magazine on 2 February 2017 to inspire learning in the workplace. I don’t know about you but it’s rare that any mandated traditional training inspires me anymore. Whether it’s completing annual compliance e-learning programs sitting on an LMS or being told by a manager that I […]
4 Myths of Social Learning
This article was published on 27 January 2017 in the Modern Workplace Learning Magazine. Social Learning In the last couple of years, I have spoken to many corporate Learning and Development practitioners about how they may support and enable opportunities for their workforce to learn collaboratively with each other in and during the flow of their […]
Learning is Like Fitness
This year as I started my fitness routine, I was reminded by a quote by Addison who said that “Reading to the mind is what exercise is to the body“. Now I’m not one who loves exercise. In fact, I hate it. I do it because I have to. Every time, I come up with […]
4 Ways To Integrate Learning into the Workplace
I recently wrote a blog post on How to Deal with People Who Have No Time to Learn New Things at Work and this is a continuation of that post where I share four ways on how to integrate learning into the workplace. There are so many more – but let’s start with four for now. […]
Creating a Community Managers Program
For the last two weeks, I’ve been head down tapping away on my keyboard creating a Community Managers Program for a client’s Learning and Development team. Although I cannot share the details of how I created this or what elements I used to do so in the blog due to confidentiality, it’s been an opportunity […]