I’m excited! In just four weeks I jump on a plane and head off to warmer climes of the Gold Coast to attend this massive Bloggers Convention. I’ve been an avid reader of Darren Rowse’s Problogger website for a couple of years now and when I heard a podcast about the first national bloggers convention […]
You Know Nothing
I don’t know about you but I have a confession to make. I have found this year challenging in some ways. In particularly from the point of view of realising the constant amount of change and flux in the world and having to keep up with it all. There are many people (me included), who at […]
My Top 10 Learning Tools for 2016
Play the drum roll sound because it’s that time of year again to share with you My Top 10 Learning Tools for 2016 in Jane Hart’s survey. (Entries close on 3 October 2016 so you still have heaps of time to submit yours!). Every year I submit my learning tools to this survey as it’s […]
Jay Cross Memorial Award
Imagine my surprise this week when I heard that I was awarded the inaugural Jay Cross Memorial Award from the Internet Time Alliance. You know when someone tells you something so unbelievable that it takes a few seconds to register before the penny drops? Well that was me this week. I was soon overwhelmed (in a positive […]
Professional Development is Personal
It’s no secret, I love to learn. It’s what keeps me curious, engaged and excited about what I do. Over the years, the internet and in particular, social media, online communities and social networks have provided me with a wealth of resources, information and constant ideas that inspire and mesmerise me…and also confuse me! Still, […]
Exploring the World Of Learning Technologies
Some time ago, Trent Rosen (@TrentRosen) invited me to be a member of a panel on Exploring the World of Learning Technologies at his Melbourne event held on Wednesday 3rd May. Trent runs these events in Sydney and Melbourne for people in the Learning and Development profession to learn and meet with other learning practitioners. Delivered […]
Benefits of Working With Different Generations
What are the benefits of working with different generations? Well, I found out the answer last Tuesday night and I suspect, more of the answer will be revealed over the next six weeks. Many of those who read this blog know that I was recently selected to be a member of a local council’s Intergenerational […]
Visit to SensiLab
Last Thursday night, I had a visit to SensiLab. Opened in May 2015, SensiLab is a research hub that enables researchers and industry to collaborate on new technologies that have business applications. The idea of SensiLab was to bring together ‘anti-disciplinary’ teams to perform research that cannot be performed by a single discipline alone. For example, […]
Two Conferences in Three Days & One TPS Report
Last week I attended two conferences (well, one expo and one conference) in three days. On Tuesday 19 April, I went along to the Connect Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre to check out the latest in business, technology and innovation. There were over 200 stalls and they expected over 5000 visitors to […]
My Top 10 Learning Tools for 2016
It’s it that time of the year again – My Top 10 Learning Tools for 2016! It’s time to submit my top 10 learning tools for Jane Hart’s (@C4LPT) annual Top Learning Tools survey. You can vote too for your learning tools of 2016. This year has been interesting because in some ways, I’ve reduced […]
Finding Your Own Way in A Digital Blizzard
Finding Your Way In a Digital Blizzard As many of my friends know, I’m a great fan of the series Vikings. Although much of the show is produced so that it has mass audience appeal, it does have some historical inaccuracies. Nevertheless it makes for wonderful viewing where I imagine the harsh life of these Norsemen. In the first series the […]
The Value of Networking for Learning and Development
What’s The Value of Networking for Learning and Development? This post was recently published in the Training Journal on 9 March 2016 There is much discussion online about the future of Learning and Development and how teams can support their workforce to build capability during a time of constant change and volatility. Yet, how much […]
Auditors are Not Boring
Myth busted – Auditors are not boring! I thought I’d put it out there so that we can start this blog post on a positive note and dispel that stereotype once and for all. This week I had an opportunity to present two sessions at SOPAC 2016. The first session was How to Build Your […]
Change Without Fear
Can you change without fear? It seems like I’ve been doing a lot of fighting…and I’m tired. Last week I attended the Bayside Business Breakfast. The Bayside Council runs various business networking events for small business owners. These vary from after work ‘meet and mingle’ events, business book club, workshops, seminars and a popular breakfasts […]
Have an iPhone, Will Vlog
By now many of you may have noticed my insane liking to vlogging. Ever since stumbling upon Casey Niestat’s Wildly Functional Studio video on YouTube, I have fallen for the idea of sharing the STORY behind our work and learning through video. It’s “working out loud” to some extent – namely, you’re sharing the process […]
What’s Your Word for the Year?
Just One Word. For the last two weeks we had a house guest. Every year, our friend who is a tennis fan, comes to stay with us and attend the Australian Open. While he was here, he organised a dinner for a group of eight one Saturday night at a restaurant on the banks of […]
My Work Out Loud Day Experiment
[View the story “My Work Out Loud Day Experiment” on Storify] Never miss a post! Subscribe to our mailing list to receive curated blog posts. Email Address First Name Last Name
Build Your Network: A New Coaching Program
Many people who know me know that I’m a self-starter and love to learn. You’d be pleasantly surprised that it doesn’t always come naturally to me but the risk of missing out on a potential opportunity experience something new is worse than not trying anything at all. So what might come across as spontaneity or frivolity on this […]
It’s a Kinda Magic Augmented Reality
Last year, I attended an expo called Future Assembly and while there, I had an opportunity to participate in an augment reality experiment. A Melbourne based company called Plattar (@PlattarGlobal) set up their camera equipment and invited people to film a short video that they can augment onto your business card. Obviously, I was keen to give […]
What is Your Life Purpose?
This week a friend had posted this TedX video called How to Know Your Life Purpose on Facebook where Adam Leipzig, an entertainment executive (and author of Film Making in Action) presents five questions to the audience that answers this question. It’s well worth viewing. Well I started to think and reflect on these five questions […]