After an hour long walk this morning (yay! I made time for my walk!), shower and brekkie I jumped onto a train and travelled into town to work out at the NAB Village (a co-working space) before my first client site meeting. I was excited to be presenting a webinar on the Benefits of Social Networking. Pulling […]
My First Day of WOLWeek – Monday Mayhem
I was startled awake this morning. Someone was ringing the doorbell at 5:30am. I opened the door and in bolted my husband. He was angry that the taxi he had booked to drive him to the airport had not arrived and he was going to miss his flight. He had been standing outside the house […]
How to Use Social Tools To Create Learning Experiences
Last week I delivered a webinar for a public service organisation who requested a presentation to their Learning and Development teams on how to use social tools to create learning experiences. I think it went well. (At least, I hope it did! The organiser did say that the attendees were madly scribbling notes and I did get […]
My Brain is Full: Knowledge Week in Melbourne 2014
Last week I participated in four different events as part of Melbourne Knowledge Week. It was the fifth year that this event brought together entrepreneurs, designers, artists, tech geeks and experts in the fields of arts, science, medicine, business and the community. This year I decided to focus on my main goal and that was to […]
4 Ways To Learn Your Client’s Business: The Value of Networks
For the last month or so, I have been working with a couple of corporate clients providing consulting around social learning and communities of practice. In effect, the clients issues revolve around the opportunity to have their national teams collaborate openly with the ultimate aim to achieve their business objectives. Rather than go into the […]
You Can Have a Neighbourhood But Do You Have a Community?
This post has nothing to do with learning or performance and all about community. For the last four weeks there has been a homeless man living out of his car outside our next door neighbour’s house. I’m not much of a keen observer at the best of times but I did notice a car that […]
Part 2 of Social Onboarding…A Case Study
On 4 September I wrote the first part of a project I was the lead developer (okay, the only developer) for a Social Onboarding Program for Retail Store Managers for my previous organisation. The first part of the blog series covered the background, the problem, the needs analysis, stakeholder engagement and recommendations that were part […]
The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same
I am currently working on a project about communities of practice that is making me think back to my years in learning and development and recalling the different ideas I submitted to my management and leadership in the form of strategy papers. Many of these never transpired to anything due to budget, resources or simply not […]
It’s Always Great to Meet Your Mates
Last night I attended the City of Kingston’s Meet Your Mates networking event. The Kingston Council holds these events and invites business owners to a cafe situated in the industrial areas of Kingston. Last night it was in Moorabbin which is close to the area that I live. Some time ago I joined the Council’s […]
IT Systems are GO!…Hang on…Nope….No, There’s a Firewall
Yesterday I was having a chat with a good friend who was complaining about their IT and he asked, “seriously, I wonder how any work gets done”. In all honesty, we’ve all had these whinges and complaints about our IT systems. Even I have been known to clench my fists to the heavens when a […]
5 More Lessons for a Freelancer
I wrote 5 Lessons for the New Freelancer last month and since then, I have added another 5 new lessons that I have been slowly learning into my foray as a freelancer. 1. Your Time is Precious, Value It That’s not to say that when I had a full-time permanent job that my time wasn’t precious but […]
Co-Working at the Melbourne Hub
On Friday I had an opportunity to co-work at the Melbourne Hub through a new Meetup I had joined called Jelly. Jelly organises monthly co-working events are various places around Melbourne and the reason I joined was to experience this new co-working space but also meet others who were outside my field of learning and […]
Where are the Third Places in the ‘Burbs?
On Saturday morning after I gave some blood, I bolted to a nearby cafe to get something to eat. Having fasted overnight, I was feeling light headed and I had to eat something quick or risk fainting. I knocked back a cup of coffee and a sausage roll and at once, all was well in the world. With […]
The Docklands Library as my Third Place
Last week I decided to check out the new Docklands library. As is my custom, I open up my jaunts to others who want to come along and experience it too through Third Place. Why go alone when you can talk, share and go through the experience with others and see it from different perspectives? […]
If Your Work Life Was a Movie
Last week @Matt Guyan and I had a short Twitter conversation on a recent blog post I wrote about Social Onboarding and as these things do, the conversation turned to what would happen if our lives as learning and development professionals turned into movies. What would your career movie look like? Who will play your part? […]
Part 1 of A Social Onboarding: A Case Study…
(Please note that I will provide this case study over a series of parts over time. The project took me 3 months and it had a lot of “moving parts” and stakeholders. This is the first part which covers the background, the business problem and the analysis). Background A few months before I left my previous […]
99 Days of Facebook Freedom
For over a month now, I have been Facebook free – but forgive me, I have sinned. There have been times I had to use it. Let me explain. I’ve had a Facebook account since the beginning. I was one of the people who saw it as a means of connecting with friends and family […]
Where are all the Third Places?
They’re all over Melbourne. In fact, they’re popping up in cities all around the world! Last year I started an informal networking group for anyone in the field of learning, training, instructional design, coaching across any sector – whether it’s academia, vocational, public, private, not-for-profit or freelancers as a way to connect people in our […]
5 Lessons for the New Freelancer
It’s been nearly two months out of the contracting world and into the world of freelancing. Many people have asked me how I’m finding the transition. All I can say is that “so far so good” and that it is tracking the way I thought it would be. That is, it’s given me time to […]
My Top 10 Learning Tools for 2014
Ever realise that you should have kept records to view trends of your own learning progression and use of various tools? After seeing Andrew Jacobs blog post on his top learning tools, I figured I’d do the same. However, this time, I wanted to see the trend of tools I’ve been using since submitting my […]