By now you know that I like to share some stuff about Snapchat on this platform as I found it to be a perfect platform to share my thoughts and reflections about my work and learning. I love that it uploads videos, audio, text and photos as well as allows editing and annotations to snaps […]
This Week’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning Week of 10 April 2017
This week was all about the lead up to Easter. Although I’m not religious by any stretch of the imagination, it’s the one holiday that I can’t ever imagine being away from family. I can travel overseas during Christmas but Easter is sacrosanct for family. So this week, while my days were spent working on conducting […]
This Week’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning Week of 3 April 2017
So Snapchat is proving to be a handy tool to capture my thoughts and reflections while I’m back at work full-time and don’t have time to blog. However, don’t be under any illusion that I’ve left my blogging and will take on vlogging – far from it. Think of the vlog as a temporary measure to […]
You Have a Voice In Your Organisation
Sometimes people don’t tell us what they think about our ideas and prefer to be nice rather than having an uncomfortable conversation with us. I get that. I’ve done that many times in my life too. It’s easier to agree and say nice things rather than get into a conversation where you have to explain […]
This Week’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning Week of 27 March 2017
Here are the snap stories of the week of 27 March. For some reason Monday seems to have disappeared which is unfortunate because I had a rant about the two fundamental skills of any modern worker that have been the most useful to me. These skills were: Building a Personal Learning Network; and, Personal Knowledge […]
This Week’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning Week of 20 March 2017
Here are my snap stories for the week of 20 March… Wednesday 22 March 2017 – Work Out Loud Wednesday Today I talked about the concept of an ‘internal influencer’ or intrapreneur or change agent. I had been talking to a colleague about the concept of ‘influencer’ which seems to be a term that is […]
This Week’s Snap Stories on Personal Learning Week of 6 March 2017
This week I continue to use Snapchat as my video editor to vlog some of my snap stories on personal learning. This week it’s been about automation, consulting books and writing eBooks! I have been using this time to work on my own Personal Learning Plan which involves a lot more book reading, exploring the […]
Excited About a New Role
After four months of searching for a job, I’m happy to say that I’m excited about a new role as a Learning Architect with a major insurance company in Australia, IAG. The role is for three months and I’ll be part of the Capability and Learning team who will roll out a new social collaboration […]
Lessons From An Independent Consultant
All gifs in this post via GIPHY It’s hard to imagine that three years have already gone by since I left the corporate world to become an independent consultant. It has been one of the most transformative personal learning journeys for me in my life that’s seen me ride the peaks and troughs of consulting work. There […]
This Week’s Snap Stories on Personal Learning
This week I continue to use Snapchat as my video editor to vlog some of my snap stories on personal learning. As well as continuing with the disheartening job search, I have been using this week to read more books (I’m now reading Drucker’s The Learning Organization) as well as write an ebook on Snapchat. […]
This Week’s Snapstories About Personal Learning
I started to use Snapchat again after a long break over January as I was doing a lot of soul-searching about my independent consulting career and instead focussed on “slow reading” to get my mind on other things. (My definition of this is blocking out 5-6 hours in the day to read without any distractions). […]
Visit to Knowledge Market
Today I organised a co-working day at Knowledge Market which is a community space situated in the Docklands in Melbourne. It was another event as part of the social networking group that I created called Third Place. Co-working with #3PlaceMelb at the #knowledgeMarket in #Docklands Great space check it out! — Helen Blunden […]
Inspire Learning in the Workplace
This article was published in the Modern Workplace Learning Magazine on 2 February 2017 to inspire learning in the workplace. I don’t know about you but it’s rare that any mandated traditional training inspires me anymore. Whether it’s completing annual compliance e-learning programs sitting on an LMS or being told by a manager that I […]
4 Myths of Social Learning
This article was published on 27 January 2017 in the Modern Workplace Learning Magazine. Social Learning In the last couple of years, I have spoken to many corporate Learning and Development practitioners about how they may support and enable opportunities for their workforce to learn collaboratively with each other in and during the flow of their […]
What on Earth is Block Chain?
I have an admission to make. I have no idea what is blockchain and bitcoin but there seems to be a lot of people on the internet who do. Or maybe many people who think they do. I’ll be the first to put up my hand and yell from the top of the data centres […]
My Perfect Job
If you had to write the description of your perfect job, what would it look like? This year I haven’t made any goals or resolutions. I have deliberately decided to keep things open to see how what I have been openly sharing over the past few years around new skills, networks, relationships, connections, and knowledge of workplace […]
Learning is Like Fitness
This year as I started my fitness routine, I was reminded by a quote by Addison who said that “Reading to the mind is what exercise is to the body“. Now I’m not one who loves exercise. In fact, I hate it. I do it because I have to. Every time, I come up with […]
A Case for Chasing the Shiny and New
When was the last time you heard that you shouldn’t be chasing the shiny and the new or risk your time, money and sanity with new fads? Recently I read Steve Wheeler’s post on Binge Learning where he recounted the story of his obsession with academic studies. The “compelling nature of the content I was […]
Happy New Year
Hello everyone and hello 2017! Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday break and enjoyed the special times with loved ones as well as took a well earned break now looking forward to a new year! I love this time of the year as it’s an opportunity to start afresh […]
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
As 2016 draws to a close, I’d like to wish the readers of this blog and my wider network, a wonderful Christmas and a safe, healthy and prosperous new year. Enjoy the holidays and see you back safe and sound in 2017.