Every couple of weeks or so, as a YouTuber, I get a wrap up of the analytics of my channel. It’s interesting to go through it and see how it’s being received but if I want more details, you can drill down into the analytics in that specific section in YouTube Studio which is the […]
New Second Hand Book Haul
I love to visit second hand book stores so naturally, I went to Savers and saw these wonderful books. Someone was obviously clearing out their Julian Barnes collection so I bought the entire lot for $2 each. BARGAIN. I’m slowly getting rid of some books that simply don’t do anything for me but unfortunately, I […]
Bah! Amazon Shmamazon
I’m not a fan of Amazon. Never have been. Never will. Add to that, Uber and other platforms that invariably, force us in some way or another, to have no choice in using them or be physically, and virtually, isolated. A few months ago, for a lark to see how it works (and the question […]
Why I Love My YouTube Channel: For The Stories People Write
Even though creating videos to share online on YouTube is a bit of a pain, I prefer reading the comments from viewers and fellow readers. This morning I read one that I loved. As a history buff, this reader brought back to life a part of Melbourne that was long since forgotten: Cheshire’s Bookstore. What […]
I Reached 3000 Subscribers on YouTube
A few days ago I reached 3000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. All without using social media to promote it, creating Shorts or using AI for any of it. It’ll be interesting to see where it goes. I don’t think it’ll explode in growth (I don’t want it to) but I think it’ll peter out […]
Monetising my YouTube Channel
Well I finally turned on the Monetisation switch of my YouTube channel. I had been thinking long and hard about it because part of me was (1) embarrassed but mainly (2) having an existential crisis about what it means to fold into the algorithmic-driven capitalistic agenda that pushes you to be a product of the […]
I’m Eligible for the YouTube Partner Program
So after a little while (it’s taken over two years of creating short book review content), I get this notification from YouTube that I’ve reached enough to monetise my channel. They invite you to join the YouTube Partner Program which entitles you to receive resources and monetisation features which allow you to have a share […]
Enough of the TikToks
What is it with all social media platforms and their incessant desire for shorts, or TikTok videos? As you know, I’m not using social media now but I’ve only kept YouTube and even that has Shorts! I hate them! Many of the YouTube channels I’m following lament that there’s been a change to their algorithms. […]
Don’t Get Sucked Into YouTube Shorts
Let’s face it, the world now wants their content delivered in short bursts in a TikTok format…and I’m not so sure how I feel about that. Who would have thought that many years ago, as I dabbled with Snapchat to use as a working out loud medium and shared its value of providing content in […]
My New Book Reviews are Now On YouTube
So, I’ve got another few videos up online on my YouTube channel where I review books that I read. There’s a few books I don’t review because frankly, I prefer to read than record a video. I read faster than shooting and editing videos. (There’s that whole palaver of having to also be ready – […]
Turn Your TV into Art
Here’s a great YouTube channel that makes your television screen into a work of art onto your wall. Each artwork is displayed for 10 minutes giving an impression of a displayed artwork.
My New YouTube Channel Causes Me To Radically Rethink Everything About What I Put Out There
I’ve customised my YouTube channel to remove ‘activate learning’ and to just be Life Lessons Through Books. Some time ago, I asked the question Should I Get Off YouTube? The reason is that after getting off social media, I’m reflecting on every single aspect of my working life and my output that I have shared […]
Should I Get Off YouTube?
To be fair, I don’t do my best thinking at 2am. This morning, tossing and turning and trying to get back to sleep, my mind started to wander. Sometimes I get up at this time and read a book before sleep overcomes me again. Other times I lay there thinking. I noticed my thinking at […]
Learning to Crochet
This week I’ve been learning a new skill (thanks to YouTube) and I fell in love with it. My friend Renee who lives in Spain and is a fluent French speaker (we chat in French every week), recommended Yolanda Figueroa’s YouTube channel where she runs crochet tutorials of tops that she’s created. The garments are […]
Updating my YouTube Channel
For the last week or so, I’ve been trying to put some semblance of order on my YouTube channel and in frustration, I’ve realised it’s a MASSIVE job. There are over 400 videos on the site and as it’s a channel that is used as a record of work and learning, a portfolio if you […]
When Subscriber Numbers Get Scary
One of the things I’m doing of late is getting ready slowly to remove myself completely from social media (namely Twitter and LinkedIn). At this stage, I’m unsure how it’s going to happen but what I do know is that I think I’ve pretty much reached my limit when it comes to learning how to […]
Books Are My Drugs
Recently I’ve been spending more hours reading than doing anything else. Truth be told, this year, my reading of novels had taken a turn for the worse. The recent books on the seller’s shelves were really doing nothing for me. In the last couple of months, I was unable to finish the novels selected by […]
Doing A Booktube
I’ve written a lot in recent times about getting some of my time back to get my headspace out of thinking and talking about work all the time (at times it felt I was thinking about learning and development 24/7 and my mind had to take a break). The way I’ve been doing this is […]
What Is Working Out Loud?
This week was Working Out Loud week again and I shared a few videos of what I have been doing (which you can see on these blog posts). I decided to revisit a video I did over a year ago because I had explained it perfectly while I was in my car. I thought I’d […]
This Month’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning March 2018
Here is this month’s snap stories of personal learning for March 2018. Every week and every month, I like to review these videos to see what I have been doing every day and it’s a great way to capture all my work and learning – and also to see my progress towards my goals. I […]