Here are some of the clients I have worked with and for. Helen Palmer Helen is an open constant adventurous learner – and for this I have much admiration. She creatively and generously shares her stories and experiments of learning, her progress on learning adventures, and insights from learning. There’s always a nugget of something […]
Search Results for: yammer
Reflections of Exploring Personal Learning Networks MOOC
Five weeks ago, I started the Exploring Personal Learning Networks cMOOC with enthusiasm and expectation. Jeff Merrell (@JeffMerrell) and I had organised to meet via Google Hangout to have a chat about this but of course, our firewall prevented that from happening as it was during work hours. Instead, we talked via teleconference and I […]
How To Pitch The Value of Personal Learning Networks to a CEO – Wise or Folly?
After four weeks of participating in the Exploring Personal Learning Networks cMOOC, it has come to this. Our pitch to the CEO on the value of personal learning networks. In fact, through the various readings, discussion and activities of the previous three weeks, we have been building up to this point to undertake the following […]
One Small Step for Us, One Large Step for our Team
This week we had our People Day. Over 400 people across Australia in the Human Resource function travelled to Melbourne to gather and hear our Leadership Team talk about the challenges of the future and how we can work together to face them. Although I will not go into detail here about what was covered, […]
Week 2 of Exploring Personal Learning Networks To Help Me in My Job
This second week of the Exploring Personal Learning Networks cMOOC was about defining Personal Learning Networks – and let me just say, there were LOTS of definitions. So much so that in all honesty, it confused me because I was getting bogged down in the details trying to grapple with everyone’s definitions, explanations and reflections. […]
Our First Meet Up with Third Place
All products mentioned in this post are not endorsements, nor are they paying me to say so! I was looking forward to last Thursday night. It was going to be the first meet up for a new Meetup group for Melbourne learning professionals. As an introvert, organising something like this is a big deal for […]
Random Thoughts on a Wednesday Night – Passion And The Workplace
For those who know me, know I don’t sit still. My mind is always ticking over with something, making plans, organising something or experimenting with some new app or software. Even quiet times at work you’ll find me reading articles, commenting in blogs, participating in tweet chats, doing MOOCs, listening to TED talks, podcasts or […]
Third Place in Company & Conversation – A Place Where the PLN Gathers
This year will go down in my professional life as “The Year I Met my Online Personal Learning Network and Lived to Tell the Tale (Ad Nauseum)”. On average, every month I have met at least two people from my wider personal learning network whose connections I made through Twitter, LinkedIn or Yammer. I would […]
What I Learned in September: What’s the Point of Sharing, Really?
In a way, I’m glad that this month is nearly over as I learned about myself. There were happy times, angry times, frustration and elation. The highlights of the month was attending the LearnX Conference in Sydney with two colleagues as it was an opportunity to meet others in Learning and Development in Australia, but […]
What Did I Learn Today?
This morning I saw a tweet from @MattGuyan who had forwarded a tweet from Nick Leffler (@technkl) about promoting “What did You Learn Today?“ #lrntoday I thought, “why not!?” What a great way to be mindful of what I do in a day and take note of what I learn at various moments of the […]
Week 1 of How To Teach Online MOOC – Everyone’s a Teacher…
It’s a tenuous time at work as we await the announcement of repoints to roles so the MOOC work outside of work hours has been providing me with the mental stimulation I need. This week marked the end of the first week of the How To Teach Online cMOOC. Reading some of the blog posts, […]
LearnX 2013 – Best Bespoke Custom Learning Environment at Telecom New Zealand
Agents@Home project helped establish agents working from home model and presentedby Bridgette Dalzell who is Head of Alternative Resourcing & Learning at Telecom NZ. Effectively, they had to create a virtual workplace and learning environment for agents who would never see the office environment! Telecom NZ partnered with Inspire Group to create this program. Challenges […]
Possibilities Are Endless in a Networked World
It’s 4:50 am on the morning of the Australian elections. While our current Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his contender, Tony Abbott are probably up at the same time anxious about today’s result, I have been tossing and turning in bed thinking about other things. Namely Jane Hart’s (@C4LPT) Social Workplace Continuum. Now why would I […]
Week 0: How to Teach Online – the new MOOC on the block
After a nice long holiday, it didn’t take long for me to get back into work and into an organisational restructure. However despite all that, life goes on. Despite turbulent times in Learning and Development, it’s a good time to continue learning and do a MOOC or three. (a) Teaching with Moodle (started on 2 […]
What I Learned in May & June
‘What I Learned In <Insert Month Here>’ is a bit late so I joined May and June together in an effort to make me feel better about it. Recently, while watching the Game of Thrones, my mind drifted to a question that was floating around in my mind. Namely, “why do I even have this […]
So How Do We Know They’re Getting the Right Answers?
This was a question posed to me today by a colleague about the impact of staff seeking answers on the web or on our Enterprise Social Network such as Yammer. The particular example was “what if they ask a question on say, credit policy and the answers that come back to them are actually wrong […]
Can You Make Your Learning Connect? Week 1 of #CLMOOC
I don’t know and that’s just what I’m about to find out. Thanks to my Google+ and Twitter pal, Gerardine Rudolphy who alerted me to this cMOOC called Making Learning Connected. “Making Learning Connected (#clmooc) is a collaborative, knowledge-building and sharing experience open to anyone who’s interested in making, creativity and learning. Over six weeks we will play […]
A Corporate Mini-MOOC on Digital Literacy Skills…An Idea Growing in My Head
For a while now, I’ve been teasing out an idea in my mind about rolling out a mini-MOOC in our organisation. After reading Ignatia de Waard’s eBook MOOC Yourself , watching the Google Hangout with Jay Cross and Dave Cormier and completing various MOOCs, I thought that it was high time to start applying this in the corporate […]
How I Work
This morning I read the two posts from Tracy Parish and David Kelly on how they work and thought it was a brilliant idea! The idea came from Life Hacker and if you want to see more stories, check them out here. So here’s mine… Location: Melbourne, Australia. Current Gig: Virtual Learning Consultant for one […]
Is Learning and Development Really Dying?
I’ve been reading many articles and blog posts that have an urgency about them regarding the impending death of Learning and Development function in corporate organisations. Admittedly when I read these, my heart races a little faster. I have this anxiety to catch up with the latest theories and tools in the field so that […]