For the last week or so, I’ve been trying to put some semblance of order on my YouTube channel and in frustration, I’ve realised it’s a MASSIVE job. There are over 400 videos on the site and as it’s a channel that is used as a record of work and learning, a portfolio if you […]
The Immersive Language Experience At Home
I’ve been writing about my language learning journey with French (click on the Search box above and type in ‘French’ to see the list of blog posts) over the last 18 or so months and one of the things that I’ve been deliberating is whether “language immersion” works and whether we need to be IN […]
Levelling Up Your Skills Through Mini Challenges
One of the things I do to level up my skills when I feel that I’m getting: Comfortable Complacent Stagnant Is to create little mini challenges for myself. They don’t have to be HUGE enough to have me give up half way through them but not too easy that they’re not exciting or enticing enough […]
What Did You Miss in May?
Blog Posts Alone in My Car (on Digital Minimalism) Time to Get Serious About the Next Phase (of My Life) Loving the Crafty Side of My Network (on preferring to read about the lifelong learning pursuits of my personal network rather than anything to do with their actual work because it’s what they do outside […]
Qu’ai je fait durant le weekend?
Je vais utiliser ce blog à ecrire pour ècrire ce que j’ai fait sur durant le weekend. Je vais dire ces paragraphes à durant ou lors de mon cours d’Alliance Française ce lundi. Chaque semaine, j’ajouterai une autre encoure nouvelle histoire. Je ne sais pas si ces phrases ont sont raison correctes, mais il faut […]
How to Use RSS Feeds
When I told some people about how I want to reduce my social media use and instead return to using my blog, they asked, “how will we find your blog if you’re not always on social media?” Well, I hate to say it but if you’re relying on social networks for you to find different […]
Speakly – A New Language Learning App
I’ve been watching this YouTuber’s videos about language learning for over a year now. I stumbled upon his videos as there’s tons of polyglots out there on YouTube land all trying to outdo each other when it comes to learning multiple languages. I love his videos because he takes a genuine and authentic approach to […]
Tips on Seeking Feedback in Language Learning
For the last year, I’ve been trying to learn French. Last year, much of it spent housebound in lockdown and unable to go outside into the world, I had more time to focus on picking up a new language skill and devoting lots of hours towards it. This year with the Christmas break in-between, the […]
How Your Brain Works
Recently Megan Strant (@meganstrant) and I were walking the Elwood Canals (you can see what they’re like in the video below – thank you Megan for making me aware of this walk which I didn’t know about!). She mentioned to me about the importance of morning routines that help us set our day and give […]
Learning with Lupin
So I’ve been watching this show on Netflix and it is thoroughly entertaining. I’ve not heard of the character before but that’s because I’m not French. You could consider him to be a French Sherlock Holmes I had no idea they were books which you can download and find on Gutenberg (thank you to Paulina […]
Barefoot Bowls, Beers and Burgers and a Sense of Place
Last year during lockdown, we were unable to get out of a 5 kilometre radius from our home due to restrictions and curfews to prevent the spread of the virus. Having this restriction for some months made me realise a lot of things about the friendships and relationships I have with my local community, neighbours […]
Pétanque et Pastis
Last year I spent much of it in lockdown which meant hours spent at home to do a lot of thinking. I’m at a time in my life where I’m beginning to think about the next phase of my life. One focused less about work and career and instead, more about being there for my […]
In this post I write about 2021 being the year of transformation.
Reading Challenge for 2020
My year in 2020 consisted of a LOT of reading much of it due to being in lockdown for much of it. Every year, I set myself up a Reading Challenge using the GoodReads app. Over the years, the pace of reading books has increased however, it means it’s at the expense of doing some […]
What Would You Do If You Didn’t Have to Work
Recently I asked this question on Twitter because I was inspired by some of the arguments presented in Daniel Susskind’s new book, A World Without Work. I’ll have a video review of this available soon as I am still collecting notes and also asking questions to others about this. In the book, he argues that […]
What is Life Long Learning?
Although this is not a definition I looked up anywhere but basing it on my own understanding and my own experience of it, I would say lifelong learning is the practice of continuing learning through your entire life. It’s not entangled with the trivialities of the questions of ‘what’, ‘how’ and even ‘who’ is responsible. […]
Experiment With Your Art
Yesterday I spent some time with my father in his work studio. Over the years, I have spent countless hours watching him work and usually, while he paints, he talks about what he’s doing and why. Before I know it, observation becomes a lesson. I have no idea why I haven’t picked up on this […]
It’s All Greek To Me
I find when people say, “It’s All Greek To Me” amusing. As someone who comes from a Greek background and speaking the language (albeit a butchered version of it) growing up in Melbourne, there were times in my life when I was embarrassed by my Greekness. With a name of Helen, a long surname with […]
The Wonder of Working with Creative Teams
I’m working on a fake news channel on Snapchat and here I put some reflections down on the value I’m receiving from being part of this creative team. The Wonder of Creating with Teams This blog post by Helen Blunden was written in Melbourne, Australia and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Never […]
What Do I Suck At?
I am going through all my DRAFT posts that are sitting on my WordPress site that have long gone unpublished and I came across this one that was written in 2013. At the time, it made such an impact but I was too fearful to publish it but now that I read it again, I’ve […]