Our first assignment for #etmooc was posted today and we have to write an introductory post about ourselves and why we are doing the course. So here goes…don’t laugh. And no, don’t ask me to talk about Westham or the Tigers. I have decided to do a short presentation of photo and audio snippets followed […]
And It Begins….#ETMOOC
Tomorrow I will start the long anticipated Educational Technology MOOC #etmooc (my first ever cMOOC). The course was designed and developed by Professor Alec Couros and his merry band of contributors. I’m quite excited to be involved in this MOOC. My only experience of MOOCs is completing an xMOOC on Gamification by Coursera and I […]
Is Story Telling a Dying Art?
I love listening to stories. In life, you’re either a story teller or you’re not. Some people have the gift of the gab but I’m not one of them. Unfortunately, that talent is not in my kit bag but I wish it was. So instead, I happily listen to others recount their stories and try […]
The Age of Discontent
Yesterday I had lunch with a long-time friend. I’ve known Maria for over 25 years. We first met at university and shared many Biology 101 lectures and pracs but our paths separated when she chose to study the geological sciences. In that time however, we kept contact, we shared meals at the uni cafe and […]
2012 – A Year In Review
Lately it seems that many bloggers are writing their last posts for the year and invariably, they’re called, “A Year in Review”. Who am I not to jump on the bandwagon? I’ve summarised my best posts for the year below but I’m going to start from April 2012 as prior to that, all I seemed […]
New Ways of Looking at Old Methods
Last week at our fortnightly Learning and Development team meeting – the last one for the year, we had one of the more robust team discussion we’ve had in many months. The aim of our meetings are to update what everyone is working on and as we are a relatively new team, to communicate what […]
What I Learned in December
I’ve decided to write a blog post every month on what I learned for that month so welcome to the first installment. The idea came about recently during one of my nights of insomnia when the brilliant blog posts swirl around in my head only to have the words abruptly halt when I’m in front of […]
I’m a MOOC Dropout and…not so Proud
I had the best intentions. Truly, I did. When I first heard about MOOCs, the concept intrigued me so I decided to register for the Coursera Gamification course. Imagine my excitement starting a course with thousands of others around the world. I made a commitment that no matter how hard it was, I was going to stick […]
The Downhill Run to Christmas
November is a funny time for me at work. Not funny as in ha ha – but funny is in ‘strange limbo time’. To say that 2013 was an utterly hectic, busy and ever-changing year is an understatement. This year, in this contract alone, I have experienced more emotional ups-and-downs, uncertainty, tension and anxieties than […]
My Day in 10 Pics – or 7…
Two nights ago while reclined in the sofa chair, I surfed my tweets (as you do) and saw that @AndrewJacobsLD mentioned #mydayin10pics and I thought, “what a brilliant idea, I’m going to do that myself tomorrow!” Although I like photography, I don’t claim to be a good photographer. Also, I’m not one of those people […]
eLearning Conference – Converge 2012 – Friday 23 November 2012
To Infinity and Beyond [Michelle Lomman, Ian Rorke from Chisholm Institute] This presentation was about an initiative set up to create a community aimed to take the fear out of eLearning. The problem: There was a body of educators reluctant to engage in the online environment. The first thoughts were: “The first thing we had […]
eLearning Conference – Converge 2012 – Thursday 22 November 2012
Thursday 22 November 2013 Sorry got to figure out how to get my mug shot off every page on WordPress site….must be annoying for the reader (just ignore my photo on the right). Here are my notes taken from the Converge eLearning Conference Day 1. Please excuse the brevity of the notes but I’m not […]
Flexi Desking Kerfuffles…
Today’s significant adventure at work was the move to get everyone to flexi-desk. I recall a few years back that it was impossible to obtain permission to work from home. It was treated with suspicion, colleagues would glare at your audacity for even asking and there was always some snide comment from someone, “sure, yeah […]
What We Can Learn from Craft Networks: Social Learning in Action
Last weekend, a small group of eight ladies from one of my Craft groups (I’m a member of two) hired out a beautiful house called The Retreat in Woodend, a delightful country town. Even though we meet weekly to share our knowledge and expertise in our respective crafts, we have these getaways to leave our […]
What does L&D Need to Succeed in the 21st Century?
Last night I hurried back home from my weekly Thursday knit group to hear Donald Taylor (@DonaldHTaylor) talk about a topic near and dear to my heart. “What does L&D Need to Succeed in the 21st Century?” I’ve been in L&D for over 23 years but I have noticed that it’s only been in the […]
eLearning Conference – Converge 2012
It took a while to decide but I finally bit the bullet – I registered for Converge 2012. Of course this means that some of my nephews and nieces will go without Christmas presents but my professional development comes first 😉 (Okay okay, you know I’m only kidding). With these conferences, when you look through […]
Are We Sharing Too Much?
Today I had a good day despite not winning last night’s $100 million lottery or picking the winning horse at the Melbourne Cup (the race that stops our nation). I met a Twitter follower and made a new friend one who shares the same passion and the same frustrations in Learning and Development. In my […]
Social Media for Professional Development
Recently I completed another workshop from Jane Hart’s Social Learning Centre called ‘Social Media for Professional Development’. As an avid user of social media for some years now, I was interested to do this workshop because there’s always something new you can pick up from the materials or participants experiences. The workshop delved straight into […]
Big Data, Shig Shata. But What Does It Mean for Us?
In the lead up to Melbourne Cup, the “race that stops our nation”, one finds that the spring carnival is on the tip of everyone’s lips. If you’re not talking about the races, the fashions, the celebrities flying out to our shores, then you’re talking about the fluctuating weather. One day it’s a sunny 31 degrees, […]
Coaching Framework To Be Rolled Out Across Organisation
For previous story see here. Today I visited the corporate headquarters of the company I work for to discuss my new coaching framework. I had developed a ‘specialist coaching’ framework and a blended learning program that gives subject matter experts to skills to transfer learning on-the-job without the need for any classroom training. I came […]