This week in #OCTEL, it was all about the learners – but I wasn’t so sure. With a background in learning and development, understanding learner needs is not new to me. I’ve done many needs analyses in my life so it comes part and parcel when designing any course but my thinking was focussed on […]
Week 1: Drilling Into TEL Concepts and Approaches for #OCTEL
This week’s entry on reflections of Technology and Learning Concepts and Approaches for the OCTEL MOOC have been interesting. In particular one video about how dentists are trained to drill a tooth through the use of sophisticated simulations. I hate going to the dentist at the best of times. When I’m in the chair, my […]
Week 1: Introduction to #ocTEL
Just because I’m a sucker for punishment, I joined another 10 week cMOOC called Octel: The Open Course in Technology. (Actually, methinks I was on such a high with the Educational Technology MOOC #ETMOOC which recently finished that I just wanted to recreate that ‘buzz’ again). David Hopkin’s writes more about this course here. As […]
Making Social Matter
These three words exemplify our company’s social media strategy. Yesterday, a small group of us were invited to a tour and presentation of the National Australia Bank (NAB) Social Media Command Centre, a state-of-the-art facility that monitors the social media channels to gauge public reaction to the bank, it’s products and services. You can see […]
Social Learning in Business
Mid last year, I registered for the ‘Gold Package’ on the Social Learning Centre, UK to undertake all their courses. That registration was “worth it weight in gold” (pardon the pun) in my professional and personal development in the last year. Certainly I have mentioned them in this blog many times so it goes to […]
What I Learned in March
Where did this month go? I don’t know about you but does it feel like the months zip by? Some of you may know that I’m on the Michelle Bridges 12 week Body Transformation Program. Michelle Bridges is an Australian personal trainer and marketing guru who has transformed health and lifestyle in Australia. She is […]
Social Learning Gets the Guernsey at Team Day
As the last two weeks of my current contract draws to a close, I’m trying to wrap things up and hand over the last bits and pieces to my colleagues. After 15 months as an instructional designer on this major transformation project, I’m leaving with a tinge of sadness. But this role has defined me […]
Designing Learning in the Digital Age – Reflections Of the Day
The following post is a collection of notes and thoughts taken at the Designing Learning in the Digital Age workshop. ***************************************************************************** What do we mean by disruptive? Clayton M. Christensen, “Disrupting Class” mentions that we need education to be rebuilt. A. The Changing Learning Agenda: From formal to informal Mass to personalised learning Competitive to […]
One Day in the Life of Me…
One of the assignments of the “Social Learning in Business” workshop run by the Social Learning Centre is to keep a journal reflecting on my day or two. Rather than scribble it down on a notepad, I’ll write my thoughts on my blog here. (In some parts of the world, this day hasn’t happened yet […]
The Face-to-Face Course Has Renewed Hope But In Disguise
Or does it? Last week I attended a facilitator-led workshop. It was one of the worst training experiences I’ve had in a long time. I also didn’t like how my post was overly critical of the workshop. I realise that there are many vendors in the market who are experts in their content and who […]
My Experience of a Face-to-Face Course After So Many Years – The Hope has Faded
Today I attended my “first ever in years”, face-to-face workshop with an actual external facilitator! I thought it was worthy to tweet first thing this morning while sipping my coffee… Things like this don’t come up often in Learning and Development but in the words of a colleague in the training room today, “I’ll take […]
What I Learned in February
February has been a busy month for me. Hectic actually. Besides the client work, I explored other contracts (inside and outside of my current organisation), as well as continued my professional development through various MOOCs and the Social Learning Centre UK. What I’ve noticed is I prefer my learning to have some immediate application to […]
How to Promote Twitter for Professional Development to Your Colleagues and Other Stuff
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and I’ve missed it. Now that my husband is out in town at the Linkin Park and Stone Sour concert, it was an opportune time to sit at my computer and finally get my thoughts down. I haven’t had time to reflect much on my work recently as […]
All I Really Need to Know I Learned from Studying Children in Kindergarten
Last week I started another MOOC and in all honesty, between this #etmooc, #edcmooc, full-time job and family commitments, I’m struggling to squeeze it all in. However, true to my nature I do the best that I can and from what I’ve learned from MOOCs already is that, “don’t let them overwhelm you!” What has been […]
Slave to the Machines or the Crowd? – #edcmooc Reflections
I registered as a last minute afterthought for the e-Learning and Digital Cultures MOOC (#edcmooc) on Coursera a couple of weeks ago. I saw the stream of tweets of people excitedly looking forward to this MOOC and thought, “did I miss something?” Previously, I registered for the Fundamentals of Online Education and Planning (#foemooc) because it […]
Digital Storytelling on #etmooc
I’ve been having a lot of fun with Digital Storytelling this week because it’s allowed me to be a bit more creative. Last Sunday I took a road trip to Lorne, a seaside town on Victoria’s surf coast. I used it as an opportunity to take some photos but when the #etmooc activity was related […]
True Stories of Openness – The Challenge is On
This is a first. Not only will it be the shortest post I have written in my blog – but there are two video podcasts! Alan Levine (@cogdog) wants our stories about how sharing on the web has helped our lives. He wants to know what happened to you when you shared something on the […]
#etmooc What I Learned in January
Warning – Long Blog Post – go make yourself a cup of tea… This is going to be one of my monthly posts to cover off on various professional development activities I’m have started, in progress or completed. Before you ask, “how do you squeeze it all in?” let me just say that I seem […]
The Move from Face-to-Face to Online Learning
Lately there’s been a real push at work to consider alternatives to delivering facilitator-led programs into online formats. There’s various reasons for doing so but the main ones are to make our content accessible to our interstate colleagues. Another reason is that an impending move to new building does not guarantee that we’ll have our […]
How Do You Make Your Learning Visible? #etmooc
I recently completed the Professional Learning Portfolio workshop through the Social Learning Centre. Split into two components, the first phase covered: An introduction to learning portfolios Learning portfolio tools and platforms – institutional and personal The basics of a professional learning portfolio Setting up your own professional learning portfolio The second phase covered the following: […]