By now you’re probably well and truly over this whole GDPR debacle. For those of you living under a rock these last few months, you may have noticed your email inbox swamped with messages regarding confirming your privacy and security details. The European government has placed some stringent requirements as to how information is collected, […]
Activate My Learning
I’m so excited to be able to bring to you an idea “Activate My Learning” that has been mulling in my mind for a while. Many of you know that I like to experiment with all sorts of different learning tools and apps and have a bit of fun in the process. For the last […]
Can Someone Turn Off Email, Please?
(I’m not endorsing any product mentioned here today – purely my own views) My usual Sunday morning routine is to get up nice and early, make myself a cup of tea and a bowl of cereal and then sit quietly at the dining room table surfing through my tweets on my iPhone. This morning I […]