Is this a thing now? Selling prompts for ChatGPT? Spare me. 😒 There has to be something bizarre when people spend more time refining their questions and asking a machine that trawls through all the sites online some genuine, some not and full of crap…and then pull them together and make them into more products […]
Changing Behaviours
My husband wanted to help out with the housework and I was surprised. “I’ll help with the vacuuming,” he said. Here I was thinking that he could help me lug that heavy Dyson vacuum cleaner around the house until he showed me a Robo Vac on sale in some advertising material he removed from the […]
From the Diaries: What is Your Most Overrated Virtue?
I’ve been writing in journals since I was 15 and have my entire life and reflections written in thousands of pages over the years. It’s been exactly a year since I left working and decided to go through some of the pages I had scribbled to review how much I have progressed in that time. […]
Digital Insanity Poem
An oldie but ever more the case today.
New Video Book Review: Man-Made by Tracey Spicer
If you haven’t already heard about artificial intelligence then you may have been living under a rock but trust me, if you could move over a bit, I’d like to come in there under with you too. This book is a collection of chapters based of research and interviews on how technology today is using […]
Artificial Intelligence For Good
I’ve been going down the rabbit warren of AI and realised that I’m reading and seeing more of the bias in these machines versus the good they can do in the world. After all, most of us are using them in our everyday lives just to function through our devices, calendars, maps etc. I wanted […]
Algorithmic Justice League
I’ve joined. If anyone knows of any Australians exploring this then let me know as I’d like to get involved.
AI & The Future of Humanity
This video is worrying. Harari talks about how AI can be a danger for humanity. To be honest, I’m fearful of the future. I’m not a fan of AI but I know that’ll it be part of our lives (and is) already. In the early 20th century when atomic energy was discovered, the Allied powers […]
All Writing is Human
I’ve decided to add another icon on my Home page of this site and along the right banner of each page that shows that all writing on this site is created by me – and not by a bot like ChatGPT or the myriad of others that we will soon be seeing. When I created […]
Kids Giving Up on School
The news has been sharing stories of an increase in children deciding not to go to school. In Australia, it seems that our state in Victoria has seen an increase in numbers. Some people are putting it down to the fact that we had more days in confinement during lockdown (263 days) compared to other […]
Dabbling With Stable Diffusion: A Puzzle for You
I started playing around with this text to graphic AI image generator called Stable Diffusion. The program allows you to create different images you can use without the need to use copyright images (although I wonder if these images would be repeated if the same search terms are input by others? 🤔) Here’s some images […]
A Lesson For Me on Posts Written By ChatGPT
Argh. 🤣🤔 I read this post by David Hopkins and it resonated with me wholeheartedly. Until I read the bottom line that it was written by ChatGPT. 😳 Geez. It was good. It pulled at me heart strings because it resonated with my own experiences with blog writing! My lesson? Despite the sentiment and similar […]
AI Tells Me What To Do With My Life
I asked ChatGPT (I should just give it a name because I’ve been asking it all sorts of questions) about what to do with my life before I “formally” retire at 65. I’ve still got about 12-13 years to go before society deems me retired in the formal sense. It’s also the time the filter […]
When You Cannot Read One Page of a Book, Time to Revisit Your Relationship with Social Media
Yesterday I overheard my husband watching Snapchat stories. What I overheard were the voices of people I used to watch and interact with online through the platform. “Wow, are they STILL on that?” I asked him. When you’ve been off social media for a while now (since June 2022), it’s difficult to reconcile in your […]