For the last few weeks, I have been working on a part-time basis as an Adoption Consultant for a small company founded by Paul Woods (@paulwoods) called Adopt and Embrace. The opportunity to work here came about through a member of my network, Benjamin Elias (@collabital). Although we hadn’t worked together directly at our previous […]
This Month’s Stories of Personal Learning for June 2018
Here are this month’s snap stories of personal learning for June 2018. Every week and every month, I like to review these videos to see what I have been doing every day and it’s a great way to capture all my work and learning – and also to see my progress towards my own professional […]
Experimenting with InstagramTV with the Misfits of Learning
It’s been a while since I have blogged and in truth, I missed it. It’s time I get back into it and thought that my first blog post since coming back from a fabulous time overseas in Belgium at LearnTechDay was to share my initial experiences on a new project with a few of my […]
Amsterdam Meet Up on Saturday 23 June 2018 at 6pm Delirium Cafe
This Month’s Stories of Personal Learning for May 2018
Here are this month’s snap stories of personal learning for May 2018. Every week and every month, I like to review these videos to see what I have been doing every day and it’s a great way to capture all my work and learning – and also to see my progress towards my goals. I […]
Teaching Computers to Parents
Some years back, my parents were strictly against computers (as a matter of fact, so was I back in the long distant past where computers meant you were coding in Fortran). I recall my father stressing that he never wanted one of those blasted machines in his house nor would it take over his signwriting […]
A Blog Post About GDPR
By now you’re probably well and truly over this whole GDPR debacle. For those of you living under a rock these last few months, you may have noticed your email inbox swamped with messages regarding confirming your privacy and security details. The European government has placed some stringent requirements as to how information is collected, […]
Is Reblogging Cheating?
Have you ever heard of the term “reblogging?” I think “reblogging” used to be a “thing”, although it’s something that has been at the back of my mind but never fully explored. The reason it popped back into my head is that I get a few requests every year to reuse some of my blog […]
If I Can Turn Back Time
“If I can turn back time, I’ll do it all again…” sang Cher. Yesterday while taking a break from a knitting frenzy, I checked my Feedly account to scan through some of the titles from blogs I follow. One blog by Digital Sociologist Mark Carrigan (@mark_carrigan) is one which I make time to read because not […]
Live Lab with Desmond Herbert
Yesterday I was interviewed by Desmond Herbert (who I had first met on Snapchat) for his weekly Live Lab Facebook Live Show. Every Monday he chats with people who are using social media differently in their work and it was an opportunity to share how I use it (in particularly, Snapchat) for learning purposes. We […]
What is a Career?
A few of years ago after leaving the corporate sector to pursue a new phase in my life as an independent consultant, I invested in a year-long program with a business coach. Over that year, I blogged about what I was learning and applying to switch my mindset from “employee” to “self-employed consultant. At the […]
Create Your Own Personal Learning Plan
How do you create your own personal learning plan? Some time ago, I was looking at ways to be more productive in my work and learning; and one way I did this was to list down all the various tasks I needed to complete during the week. Many of my tasks were simple To Do […]
Working at the Synchrotron
One of the things I do on a casual basis is temping for work and income. As you can understand, being an independent consultant is difficult and a struggle at the best of times. There comes a time when you have to bite the bullet and pick up casual work when you can get it. […]
It’s All Greek To Me
I find when people say, “It’s All Greek To Me” amusing. As someone who comes from a Greek background and speaking the language (albeit a butchered version of it) growing up in Melbourne, there were times in my life when I was embarrassed by my Greekness. With a name of Helen, a long surname with […]
On Creativity and Collaboration – Creating Content Every Week
“All I did was plug in the machine and the rest <the team> – came naturally”. (Well, he did a lot more than that actually)… This is a great interview with Cammy Murray who created the weekly fake news channel, CNT News Channel on Snapchat. (I’m part of this small team of global collaborators who haven’t […]
The Weird World of Alice is Not So Weird After All
This morning after completing a filmed interview for LearningNowTV, (a role I undertake for fun and which gets me out of the house meeting all sorts of interesting people), I decided to go to the Alice in Wonderland Exhibition at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, ACMI. I’ve never been a fan of the […]
Art Imitating Life or the Other Way Around?
For the last six or so months, I’ve been getting out of my comfort zone – in a BIG way by undertaking creative projects. Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Cultivating Creativity in the Workplace workshop facilitated by someone who I’ve admired for a long time, Amy Burvall. (@amyburvall). Amy is an […]
This Month’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning March 2018
Here is this month’s snap stories of personal learning for March 2018. Every week and every month, I like to review these videos to see what I have been doing every day and it’s a great way to capture all my work and learning – and also to see my progress towards my goals. I […]
Laying Low
Sometimes like everyone, I have my up days and I have my down days. For the last couple of weeks, I have been feeling decidedly flat and unmotivated. I’m someone who is affected by the weather and the cooling temperature is making me dread the upcoming winter. A cynical part of me calls it “the […]
Working Out Loud in Week 9
I am part of a Working Out Loud Circle hosted by Simon Fogg (@srjf) and we are currently in week 9. A Working Out Loud circle is a 12-week program and developed by John Stepper (@johnstepper). Participants meet online every week and go through a set of different activities and tasks to help them achieve […]