I wanted to start an experiment this year and so far, so good but it’s been difficult for me at times. ? Many people know me as someone who shows and shares her work and learning. I’m pretty open about things that I’m learning about, share resources, interact in online conversations, connect people to other […]
Lost In Translation
I wrote a long post yesterday about Salinger, Hemingway and the song that has been floating around in my head the last couple of days. In that post, I share the movie clip to this movie because it’s what Bill Murray sings at a crowded karaoke bar. The words hit a bit deep for him […]
Snippets of Salinger
This morning at 3 am, I was stirred awake from a weird dream that I couldn’t remember and a song by Roxy Music called More Than This which I couldn’t get out of head for the last couple of days. I have had a few niggling thoughts about my work of late and I haven’t […]
Learning French Through Songs
Every Monday night for the next few months, I dedicate to doing a few hours of my own French study. In effect, creating my own personal learning plan that includes one hour of talking with my French friend then a couple of hours of reading, comprehension and grammar exercises. Today I thought I’ll include learning […]
For the Love of the Real World
In the long term, virtual worlds may have most of what is good about the non virtual world. Given all the ways in which virtual worlds may surpass the non virtual world, life in virtual worlds will often be the right life to choose.” David Chalmers, Reality+ Freaky words. About a week ago, I wrote […]
Mind Over Matter
Last night, we went to Ant Middleton’s Mind Over Matter Tour that was held in the Plenary at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre. It seems like we have attended more events in the last month than we have over the last couple of years. It’s because Andrew had booked many different concerts, shows, and […]
Le Mot
Wow! Le situation est grave! Pourquoi? Regardez! Aujourd’hui, un surprise sur Twitter. Benjamin m’a envoyé un defi. Wordle est en français! La semaine dernière j’ai bloqué le mot “Wordle” sur Twitter parce qu’il avait trop de tweets. J’étais submergé par tous ce jeu! Mais maintenant, je change d’avis. Peût-etre Wordle en français m’aidera avec la […]
More Than This
Today I have this song in my head on repeat. I have no idea why but I’m not complaining. ? It reminds me of my younger years. It was always somehow playing on the radio in the background in my early 20s. When I hear it now, in my 50s, I turn it up, sing […]
16 Year Wedding Anniversary
Andrew (everyone knows him as ‘Tex’) and I celebrated our 16 years of marriage today and we celebrate each year by giving each other small amusing gifts according to the gift calendar and also trying out a new restaurant in a locale that is not our usual hangout. Tonight it was Mexican at La Cabra […]
On Being a Man
I’ve no idea what it’s like being a man but I gave it a go a few years ago thanks to a Snapchat filter. I had to put this photo somewhere because at times I feel my tweets seem to disappear along with all the experimentations with various tools. I think over the years, all […]
I saw a tweet about “languishing” recently and instantly, I resonated with it. The tweet referred to an article in the New York Times about how many people feel that they are languishing in these current times and I resonated with it. This year has been particularly difficult. The return to work after the short […]
Quel galère!
What a hassle! (That’s a new term I’ve learned so putting it everywhere so I can learn it). Not that learning French is a hassle – not at all. Being flooded with Saturday’s heavy rain and seeing the room filled with water with some of our collectible DVD box sets destroyed – now THAT’s un […]
Le Renard
On Thursday I have my first gathering with my French class. Nathalie takes a French class every week at a nearby cafe. Our homework was to watch this short program about the animals of the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris and share our own experience of these gorgeous creatures. Here is what I will say […]
Favourite You Tube Channels
I love YouTube, I watch it more than Netflix or any other channel on television simply because I can find anything of my interest – and in other languages. I curate my own television network that has shows that only I want to watch. The only annoying thing are the ads (which I can pay […]
They Live
They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us feeling it. They control our lives without us realizing it. They live. I recently caught up on all my newsletter reading. I subscribe to some excellent newsletters that give my brain something to think and ponder about. During the day, usually […]
Mid Life
I’m at an age now where I’m going through a new phase in my life and part of this journey meant that I have been re-evaluating a lot of things such as health, family, friends, relationships. What serves me, what doesn’t. What I care for and don’t. I watch my face and body change form, […]
Meta Verse Mumblings
I’m putting it out there, I’m not a fan of the meta verse. Before you say, Helen, you luddite. You haven’t even given it a CHANCE! Have you even USED Virtual Reality? Have you ever PLAYED a VR game? Have you ever made some kind of EFFORT to even UNDERSTAND the value and benefits of […]
Walt Disney Animation Exhibition
Last night we went to the Walt Disney Animation Exhibition held at the Australian Centre for Moving Image (ACMI) at Federation Square. It was a lovely summer evening out and people were outside enjoying sunset and the various events such as the Australian Open (tennis) on nearby, the open restaurants and an outdoor swimming pool […]
Struggling Through Certain Books
‘If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’ Just about every parent I’ve been reading a book as part of a book club by Kim Scott called Radical Candor: Be a Kick Ass Boss without Losing Your Humanity and admittedly, I’m really struggling to get through this book. I’ve read […]
Well we finally got here in the end. We love going to different shows in Melbourne and in 2019, we found out that Frozen, The Musical would be playing at Her Majesty’s Theatre. We booked tickets but the show was constantly being put on hold because of COVID lockdowns and finally, nearly 18 months later, […]