While the world is melting down with what Elon Musk is doing and with our holiday cancelled as well as Andrew’s birthday celebrations cancelled due to his positive covid test, nothing much to do except stay home, knit, nap and watch YouTube travel vloggers.
Waking Up To Music
I woke up to music today but it was dying off, sounding like it was in the distance. Music like the last seconds of rolling credits at the end of a movie. No, Andrew wasn’t playing music in the house. Instead the music came from my dream. Sometimes I dream music. It’s rare but it […]
I’m Doing a Descartes
I’m undertaking the Coursera Course: Know Thyself: The Value of an UnExamined Life by the University of Edinburgh as something to pass the time in my day and it’s been interesting so far. Certainly, I’m not doing this for any accreditations but merely, learning for myself…because why not? (In all honesty, I wanted to do […]
Confutatis Maledictus
Mozart composed his requiem (well, part of it) in 1791. In 1984, I was a teenager who had become obsessed with the movie Amadeus. The story, the characters, the music, everything. What I think I was obsessed about was this conflict between someone with innate talent and someone who has to work hard and struggle […]
Covid Has Visited Us
So for the last few days Andrew has caught Covid. We do our daily tests and so far, I haven’t caught it….yet. I do wonder why I haven’t caught it yet. Usually I’m the person who catches everything under the sun and then spends days in bed debilitated unable to do anything but sleep. Part […]
Know Thyself
I have started a MOOC on Coursera called Know Thyself by the University of Ediburgh. I’ve always been a fan of these online courses (despite a lot of people bagging them out) because as a self-driven learner, I like how the course is free – and that it is set out in a way that […]
Turn Your TV into Art
Here’s a great YouTube channel that makes your television screen into a work of art onto your wall. Each artwork is displayed for 10 minutes giving an impression of a displayed artwork.
The Natural History of Love
My new book review is now published on YouTube. How this book got into my hands was full of coincidences that I simply couldn’t explain and wrote about them in the blog post: Eerie Coincidences. In the video, I wander around the golf course showing where the site of the original Mayfields House was. I’m […]
The Twitter Scramble
I permanently deleted Twitter on 21 June 2022. Now, to my amusement, I read the blogs of people in my networks or articles about what’s happening on Twitter, I see the mad scramble as they go through the same questions I had gone through those months ago. There’s a mad scramble to save or archive […]
Mad Cleaning Frenzy
This morning I started the deep house cleaning again. I dusted, vacuumed, mopped everything in sight and did three loads of washing. I was on a roll! However our first order of the day was covid testing. Andrew was sick today with fever and aches and pains and I had hoped it wasn’t covid. So […]
Huntingdale Wetlands
One of the best things that came out of COVID lockdowns here in Melbourne was the 5km radius rule. We could travel no further out than 5km radius from our home which made it interesting to discover nooks and crannies in your own area you would otherwise have not known about. I discovered new laneways, […]
Here’s my new book review of a book read in the course of one day (and the next morning). I couldn’t put it down mainly because the premise of going mute was something I had thought about in the past. The character in the book decides to not talk for 9 months and it’s a […]
Christmas Crochet Crafts
Last week, I caught myself thinking that I don’t have an ugly Christmas top to wear to any Christmas functions. In the northern hemisphere, people wear the ugly (although I think they’re all fabulous) Christmas jumpers. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, Christmas Day is usually very hot, and there’s no way anyone wears anything heavier […]
Trying Out French Classes at the U3A
I was looking forward to today. The University of the Third Age is near our home and when I was there last to take some photos for their newsletter, I was invited back to observe the French for Intermediate class to consider registering for next year’s classes. I’ve been going to weekly conversation classes at […]
Thinking of Quitting Twitter? Be Prepared for Self-Reflection
It’s been interesting to go through the last five months without social media. I permanently deleted Twitter in June this year and I can say that I don’t miss it at all but there were a few things I did before and after to ensure that I didn’t feel entirely disconnected and isolated from people. […]
It’s Official Now
Today I started my day with a game of golf. I put my name down to go around on the course for a practice run fully expecting no other person to join me. Instead, another lady who had exactly the same idea as me joined me and we used the opportunity to play with three […]
Remnants of a Bygone Era
I’m sitting here munching on a greens (thanks to mum who grew these in her organic garden) pie I made for lunch thinking about how much education has changed. Today I headed down to the Moorleigh Community Village which used to be an old high school that was closed down in the 1990s to meet […]
Confession: I Never Want To Work Again
This week while chatting with a good friend, I confessed that I can never see myself working ever again in a corporate business with companies or leader who put profit over people. The mere idea of working for such a business doing exactly the same thing that I’ve been doing for the last 25 years […]
Meandering Walk Around Cheltenham Park
This morning, a bit of sunshine was peeking out of the clouds and as it’s a public holiday (Melbourne Cup), it was anticipated that the weather would turn with more wind and rain again. So I quickly left the house to drive 5 minutes down the road to walk around Cheltenham Park and Golf Course.