Yesterday I went for a walk with a good friend who has been in my life for many years. She put a proposal in front of me regarding a potential opportunity to return to my first ever employer. The industry is going through a massive build up here in Australia and there’s plenty of opportunities […]
No More Screens After 5:30PM
So one of the things I’ve started doing (and which I hope lasts for a long time), is going on an “intermittent fast”. If we can do it for food, we can do it with our screens. One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that when I’m in a gathering of people, there are […]
Why Are People Unkind?
I don’t understand some people. I have a YouTube channel where I “loosely” review books. I say “loosely” because they’re really my own reaction to the books based on the themes that make me think and reflect about my own experiences in life. I’ve hid all my previous videos where I worked out loud through […]