I’ve been on a roll lately creating a couple of journals that are not only creative to make but also a lot of fun. Recently I made a Reading Journal that I could use to write notes every time I read with the intention of selling it on Amazon. However I keep delaying putting it […]
My Annual YouTube Analytics
Every couple of weeks or so, as a YouTuber, I get a wrap up of the analytics of my channel. It’s interesting to go through it and see how it’s being received but if I want more details, you can drill down into the analytics in that specific section in YouTube Studio which is the […]
What I’m Reading
When we were in Canberra a couple of weeks ago, we caught up with friends whom we hadn’t seen in years. Over dinner, the discussion started on our favourite books and this one was mentioned. It was published some years back and it was one that had some popularity. Certainly the film also helped to […]
Book Review of She and Her Cat by Makoto Shinkai
Here’s the latest weekly video that I uploaded this morning on Makoto Shinkai’s debut novel, She and Her Cat. He’s a well-known Japanese anime film maker who created this story first as anime so I assume that as a novel, it would reach a wider audience….
Book Review of Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss
This week I uploaded this book which is the first time I read this author. It’s written beautifully but the subject makes you feel concern for the main character, a young woman under the power of her harsh father. Lots of themes of personal power, patriarchy and domestic violence.
Creating a Reading Journal
One of the things I’ve been doing in my spare time is creating a Reader’s Journal. I enjoy reading and writing my notes into my journal and I figured, “Why not share what I do?” So for the last week, I planned out the entire annual journal and what will go on each page. It […]
Book Review: Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead
Here’s the latest book review. I was hanging around the Monash University book store one day and saw it. I made a mental note then found it at my local library. I didn’t mind it. It was enough to keep me intrigued but I was slightly let down with the ending.
Last Book Club Chat for the Year
I run the Book Club called Birdies, Bogies and Books at our golf club. There’s about 20 or so people who are signed up in our WhatsApp group and although we don’t have everyone come along to the meetings every month, there’s about 8-10 people who do. To my surprise, I’ve had positive feedback about […]
New Book Review: Home by Toni Morrison
Talking About Books ~ Vlog Q and A
My latest video is a vlog where I answer some questions that no one has asked (let’s get real about that 🤣) The questions are: There’ll be some other questions which I’ll answer on another video (Part 2) and I’m thinking of answering these questions: I’m also thinking of doing a video on how I […]
Looking Forward To Book Club Tonight
It’s a bit hilarious to think that the highlight of this week will be Book Club. We are both looking forward to it as an event not to be missed! Why? Well, the book this month was Australian author, Christos Tsiolkas new book “The In-Betweeners”. For anyone who knows his writing, well you can understand […]
Book Review of East of Eden by John Steinbeck
This book was brilliant. Just do yourself a favour and read it. (Just found out that Netflix is doing a series on East of Eden! 🙌)
Our Book Club Author Event
This year I started a Book Club I’ve called Birdies, Bogies and Books at my golf club. Its one of the many clubs (other than golf) that members can become involved with and as I love to read and share my love of reading, I created the group, curate the book list and then run […]
New Second Hand Book Haul
I love to visit second hand book stores so naturally, I went to Savers and saw these wonderful books. Someone was obviously clearing out their Julian Barnes collection so I bought the entire lot for $2 each. BARGAIN. I’m slowly getting rid of some books that simply don’t do anything for me but unfortunately, I […]
Reading Graphic Novels: Sharing My Thoughts on Video
This September, I’m reading more graphic novels as part of the #FramedInSeptember challenge by a few YouTubers where we are challenged to read about art – or art in different ways. You can read more about what I wrote about it in this blog post, Reading Graphic Novels. As Andrew is a mad graphic novel […]
Book Review: My Husband by Maud Ventura
Here’s the latest video I published on YouTube. This book was recommended by one of the ladies in my book group as a quick, if not, a creepy read. A woman is so in love with her husband that she does everything just to spend time with him (at the expense of everyone and anything […]
New Book Review: Body Friend by Katherine Brabon
I’m a member of my local library’s book club and over the last few months or so, I haven’t enjoyed the books that were chosen for us. However, I guess that’s why we have book clubs. We don’t always need to love the book we read. Instead, if it inspires thought provoking conversation or changes […]
My Book Club Books for 2024
I started a Book Club this year at my local golf club that has various clubs that members can get involved with. It’s a great way to socialise with others other than just golf. Here are the books I’ve chosen for the year. I select them based on recommendations by others but also my own […]
At the Crossroads of a Decision
Book Review: Steppenwolf By Herman Hesse
Here’s the latest video I uploaded to my YouTube account.