It’s been a few years since I last attended this particular event at the annual Alliance Francaise Film Festival. So I decided to attend once again this year as it’s been some time that I’ve done something like this for myself. Usually I go to events like this by myself and find people to chat […]
Give Me a Dream
I’ve been watching a Greek series (first of its kind) on Netflix and I binged on it. Netflix and Mega TV channel obviously pumped money into it to become one of the Top 10 Shows on Netflix. I was mesmerised by the first opening scenes but most of all it’s soundtrack. The series takes place […]
What’s Your Own Amsterdam?
When I think of Amsterdam, I think of the great (and mostly wonderful) memories for me. The Netherlands will always be a country near and dear to my heart because of the friendships made during my time on a Vocational Exchange but also in recent times, meeting a friend there in person at a time […]
Choose Your Own Adventure
Last night we sat down in front of the television with no plan other than to chill out. I had some knitting to do so I turned to my husband and asked, “Can we watch a movie?” I’ve been finding that sometimes I just want to watch a short movie that doesn’t require bingeing on […]
If Your Work Life Was a Movie
Last week @Matt Guyan and I had a short Twitter conversation on a recent blog post I wrote about Social Onboarding and as these things do, the conversation turned to what would happen if our lives as learning and development professionals turned into movies. What would your career movie look like? Who will play your part? […]