“If I can turn back time, I’ll do it all again…” sang Cher. Yesterday while taking a break from a knitting frenzy, I checked my Feedly account to scan through some of the titles from blogs I follow. One blog by Digital Sociologist Mark Carrigan (@mark_carrigan) is one which I make time to read because not […]
This Week’s Snap Stories of Personal Learning Week of 25 September 2017
Here are this week’s snap stories of personal learning commencing 25 September 2017. Monday 25 September 2017 Today I talked about Link Rot which was a new concept I had discovered in my research for my curation presentation. I go through my process for how I plan my presentation and redo my mind map opting […]
Curator Panics Over Link Rot
For the last week, I’ve been working on my presentation on Curation for Learning for LearnTech Asia and had a panic attack. I hyperventilated slightly that had me reaching for my ventalin. While I was away last week, I had been thinking how I could plan and prepare for this presentation so that it was […]