What on earth did I read?! One of the most odious characters I’ve ever read was in this book. Here’s my new book review.. The second book, Indignation was a bit better.
Catch-22 for Organisations
In this post I write about the links of this book by Joseph Heller called Catch-22 to the working world.
The Lovers Book Review
Here’s my new book review. I recently won a book competition that included three books in the package. I decided to read The Lovers by Yumma Kassab, an Australian author.
Enough of the TikToks
What is it with all social media platforms and their incessant desire for shorts, or TikTok videos? As you know, I’m not using social media now but I’ve only kept YouTube and even that has Shorts! I hate them! Many of the YouTube channels I’m following lament that there’s been a change to their algorithms. […]
Book Review of The Gambler by Dostoyevsky
Here’s my book review of Dostoyevsky’s The Gambler. It wasn’t a bad read and my favourite character was the cranky old mother in the wheelchair who whacked people with her cane. Everyone was waiting for her to die to get their hands on her money but she knew exactly what they were doing – so […]
Life Lessons from Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
This one was a doozy. Lots of major life themes about primarily, making the choice to “choose life” and all that it entails – the good and the bad; the great people and the worst people who enter our lives and make it better – or turn it upside down. Ultimately, it’s how we choose […]
I Won a Book Competition!
In 25 words or less, describe how books can help us with our relationships. That was the competition I won through the Australian Independent Booksellers a few weeks back and a pack of three new current books arrived on my doorstep. Naturally I had to do an unboxing/unpackaging video….
My Second Hand Book Haul
I love visiting second hand book stores. There’s a book store in my local area which I frequent often so I decided to spend $50 (well a bit less than that) on the following books. They’ll be some of my 2023 reads.
Library Lovers Day 14 February
Yesterday was Library Lovers Day. Well, you may know it as Valentines Day but I prefer the library…. It’s a great day to stop by your local library, become a member and borrow a book or twenty. Or however many they allow you to borrow in the one go. Yesterday I went to my newly […]
Life Lessons from War and Peace
Well finally, I’ve shared my thoughts on Tolstoy’s book War and Peace. Rather than do a review of it, I thought I’d share SOME of my life lessons with this book. I could have spoken for a lot more but I’m mindful that the video is long! I think I did this video more so […]
Book Review of The Double by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I’m on a mad reading spree of Dostoyevsky books. I love them although I haven’t read Crime and Punishment, Brothers Karamazov or Demons yet (I’m psyching myself up for them). Here’s the second book I read of his: The Double which also was the book Sylvia Plath did her dissertation on. If you missed my […]
The Day I Get Rid of My Books
By books I mean my “work” books NOT my literature. All my classics and modern literature will stay. Today I’m in the process of doing a massive house cleanup. Tidying, sorting, vacuuming, mopping. Everything. I was in the study and looked at my book shelves full of my reference and non fiction books I have […]
2 + 2 = 5
I’m reading my third Dostoyevsky book within bas many weeks called The Gambler. I couldn’t resist putting this up here.
Russian Literature
I’ve been reading this brilliant book by Dostoyevsky and I’m chuckling through it. (If you’re interested, here is my book review on YouTube) We don’t know who the character is but the irony is that if Holden Caulfield (from JD Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye) had grown up, he would be the character in this […]
Klara and the Sun Book Review
Can bots be our friends? I’ve got a new book review up on YouTube. This one is by British novelist, Kazuo Ishiguro and it’s one that stays with you long after you put the book down. Themes of love, hope, loneliness, human-like bots made to be AFs (artificial friends) for children, genetic editing and uplifting, […]
I Have Not Been in My Home Office for Months
It’s weird that a room that I was in for hours on my days of work, I’m hardly ever in anymore. I hadn’t fired up my desktop in weeks, nor had any need to go into this room since resigning from work. It’s made me realise that when Andrew retires as well, that home office […]
When You Cannot Read One Page of a Book, Time to Revisit Your Relationship with Social Media
Yesterday I overheard my husband watching Snapchat stories. What I overheard were the voices of people I used to watch and interact with online through the platform. “Wow, are they STILL on that?” I asked him. When you’ve been off social media for a while now (since June 2022), it’s difficult to reconcile in your […]
What Books Will You Read in 2023?
It’s difficult to predict which books will be published and become popular in 2023, as the publishing industry is constantly evolving and new titles are being released all the time. However, here are a few suggestions for books that you may enjoy in 2023: These are just a few examples, and of course there will […]
We’re Drowning in Old Books!
This post on the Washington Post was amusing to me. What are we to do with our flooded shelves?— Read on www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/12/19/used-books-stores-donation-fran-lebowitz/ “They’re more like friends than objects,” one passionate bookseller says. Now that’s something I understand. As much as I try not to buy too many books (those I do buy are specifically for […]
2022 Goodreads Reading Challenge
I have been doing the Goodreads Reading challenge since 2012 and this year, I had set myself the challenge to read 70 books which I achieved. The books I read this year were heavily focussed on authors from other countries (mainly Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Argentina and Japan) and a spattering of literature. There […]