Here’s a book that has just been published on my YouTube channel “Life Lesson From Books”. I read it over a month ago now. (All my videos are recorded soon after I read and take notes of the book then edited and uploaded into a scheduled to be published list in certain days. This allows […]
Spaceman from Bohemia Book Review
So I guess now you can say I’m being paid by YouTube for my book reviews. It was a nice surprise to see $100 in my account from people watching my videos. Although it’s a pittance, I don’t care. It’s enough to buy myself a few new books. As long as I enjoy making the […]
What’s in My Book Haul?
Here’s the latest book haul video I filmed this morning to share on my YouTube channel on some new and second hand books I’ve recently bought to read sometime…. I’ve got a whole heap of videos banked up to be published over the coming weeks. Here are some of the reviews I’ll be sharing: I […]
My Year in Books
2023 was a great year for reading. I read War and Peace as my “Big Book for 2023” and I LOVED IT. I was a bit sad when I finished it because it had been part of my life for a few months. I discovered Anita Brookner and read six of her novels. I fell […]
The Only Story By Julian Barnes (A Book Review)
Here’s my latest book review. This year, I’ve read 75 books so far with my favourite author finds are Julian Barnes, Anita Brookner, Mieko Kawakami and Yoko Ogawa.
What To Do More Of….
This paragraph from Charlotte Wood’s new book Stone Yard Devotional. I’ve been a fan of her writing ever since I read The Weekend but this time her book is a little bit different about a middle aged woman who goes to an abbey in the Monaro Plains (outside of Canberra) to escape her life and […]
Some Thoughts About The Writing of Annie Ernaux
Here’s the latest video I shared on YouTube about some thoughts of the writing of Annie Ernaux. I pontificate about her style of writing, her openness sharing her entire life to the public. Why does the written word evoke so much “rawness” rather than say, watching some vlogger online share their world to the public?
Monetising my YouTube Channel
Well I finally turned on the Monetisation switch of my YouTube channel. I had been thinking long and hard about it because part of me was (1) embarrassed but mainly (2) having an existential crisis about what it means to fold into the algorithmic-driven capitalistic agenda that pushes you to be a product of the […]
Another Second Hand Book Haul
I bought some more second hand books yesterday. Here they are:
I’m Eligible for the YouTube Partner Program
So after a little while (it’s taken over two years of creating short book review content), I get this notification from YouTube that I’ve reached enough to monetise my channel. They invite you to join the YouTube Partner Program which entitles you to receive resources and monetisation features which allow you to have a share […]
Book Review: Nailing It by Rich Hall & Some Ideas about My YouTube Channel
Time for a new book review that I just hit ‘publish’ on in YouTube. After Zamyatin and Dostoyevsky, Rich Hall’s was a welcome change. I also tried Bundaberg Rum for the first time in my life (I’m more a G&T person than rum….) Where Am I At with YouTube? On another note, I checked my […]
More New (& Old Books) Come My Way
Some more classic and literature books have come my way. Since making this video, I have already read Dostoyevsky’s House of the Dead (brilliant), The Collector by John Fowles (superbly creepy) and Look at Me by Anita Brookner. I’m reading like there’s no tomorrow. A book is always in my hand or in my bag […]
We Are All Collectors Nowadays (Even Though We Think We Aren’t)
I’m three quarters through a book called The Collector, the debut novel by John Fowlers published in 1963. I’m calling it out to be one of my best reads in my life with themes that are oh so relevant in today’s age and society. It’s a struggle between the classes, power, control, obsessive love, passion, […]
Book Review: The Alarming Palsy of James Orr
Here’s my latest book review of a novella I read recently. Not a bad story as it kept me intrigued throughout.
Video Book Review of A Start in Life by Anita Brookner
My new review is now up online. I try and do a review every week.
Video Review of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Finally, I bit the bullet and read this book. I let go of my own pride and prejudice of this book and was pleasantly surprised.
Book Review: Bila Yarrudhanggalangdhuray by Anita Heiss
Here’s my latest book review by Anita Heiss. Its a timely book as it’s NAIDOC Week and later this year, Australia will have the Referendum for the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Given the amount of nasty comments I’ve been getting on my YouTube channel (most of it unrelated to books), and […]
Book Review: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Here’s my new book review up on YouTube. I enjoyed this short spooky book.
New Video Book Review: Man-Made by Tracey Spicer
If you haven’t already heard about artificial intelligence then you may have been living under a rock but trust me, if you could move over a bit, I’d like to come in there under with you too. This book is a collection of chapters based of research and interviews on how technology today is using […]
How To Read Fiction: A Video Book Review
The latest book review is up on my YouTube channel, Life Lessons From Books. It’s by James Wood on How Fiction Works. I have some books “dropping” (as they say) over the next four weeks. (I read about 1-2 books per week) What to expect in the coming weeks: