Last Wednesday I hosted author, Caroline Petit who wrote the book, The Natural History of Love to our golf club. I started and run the Birdies, Bogies and Books Club at our golf club and every month we have a book to read and discuss. Sometimes I source the books from a local library who […]
Creating a Book Club Journal
I’ve been on a roll lately creating a couple of journals that are not only creative to make but also a lot of fun. Recently I made a Reading Journal that I could use to write notes every time I read with the intention of selling it on Amazon. However I keep delaying putting it […]
The Moon & Sixpence Book by Somerset Maugham Book Review
Here’s the latest video book review which was interrupted by my husband (who does not read my type of books! 🤣)
My Year in Books – Reading in 2024
103 books and over 25,000 pages read. It’s been a brilliant year of wonderful reading – and very little television watching. I hope to continue the trend in the new year…..
Book Review: Leonard & Hungry Paul
This was one of the best books I’ve read this year. It was lovely! No sex, violence, bad language, awful characters, bad writing, nasty families or people thinking the worst of each other. It was a breath of fresh air.
Book Review: The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford
My latest book review is on this book that was surprising. For a book that is well known but didn’t receive acknowledgement or popularity (much to the annoyance of its author), I’m glad I read it. If you want a book where you will detest all the characters, then look no further. If you’re not […]
Talking About Books ~ Vlog Q and A
My latest video is a vlog where I answer some questions that no one has asked (let’s get real about that 🤣) The questions are: There’ll be some other questions which I’ll answer on another video (Part 2) and I’m thinking of answering these questions: I’m also thinking of doing a video on how I […]
Our Book Club Author Event
This year I started a Book Club I’ve called Birdies, Bogies and Books at my golf club. Its one of the many clubs (other than golf) that members can become involved with and as I love to read and share my love of reading, I created the group, curate the book list and then run […]
Book Review: My Husband by Maud Ventura
Here’s the latest video I published on YouTube. This book was recommended by one of the ladies in my book group as a quick, if not, a creepy read. A woman is so in love with her husband that she does everything just to spend time with him (at the expense of everyone and anything […]
Vladivostock Circus Book Review
I love the writing of Elisa Shua Dusapin who is a French Korean author. I read Pachinko Parlour this year that set me off on a love affair reading all her books as well as exploring Korean and Japanese books, food and culture. I wanted to read her latest novel Vladivostock Circus which was all […]
New Book Review on Stoner by John Williams
Here is one of the book reviews I uploaded last week. It’s on Stoner by John Williams. I loved this book so much that I went out and bought his other books. His writing style is beautiful and evokes images in your mind’s eyes. It reminded me of Steinbeck’s writing. Here’s what I have to […]
East of Eden
Why have I not read this book sooner? I’ve yelled out in places when I’m reading this book. I gasp and sigh. It torments me when I put it down and settle to sleep every night. Why is Kathy so evil? This is why I love reading. How great is Steinbeck at story telling? This […]
Books About Revenge
In my latest video, I share some thoughts about a couple of books about revenge. The Revenge Club by Kathy Lette & Lileth by Eric Rickstad. Have you read these books? If so, let me know what you think.
New Book Haul
I bought some new books that were on a sale at Dymocks which is a book seller here in Australia. As a member of their Book Club, there’s various events and discounts for their members at certain times of the year so it was time to stock up on some Shirley Jackson and John Williams […]
The Kids Run the Show
Recently I read a book translated from French called The Kids Run the Show (or in French, Les Enfants Sont Rois) by Delphine De Vigan. I’ve read some of her other books and liked them so when I saw this latest one on the shelf at the local library, I borrowed it. It kept me […]
Yellowface by Rebecca F. Kuang
Here’s the latest book review that I’ve put up online. I enjoyed this book that gave you a picture of the publishing world behind the scenes but also the toxicity of social media. Well worth a read!
The Pachinko Parlour Book Review
Here’s the latest book review up online. I liked this book as it taught me a little about the history of Japanese and Korean relations. I had no idea of their tension and how Japan had colonised Korea in the past. Well worth a read.
Book Review: Steppenwolf By Herman Hesse
Here’s the latest video I uploaded to my YouTube account.
What I’ve Been Reading, Finished Reading or Unable to Continue Reading
Here’s my latest video vlog talking about what I’ve been reading and what I put down. I don’t always have one video per book simply because I read too many books and it takes a long time to shoot, edit and upload these videos. Instead I choose which books I devote a video to nowadays. […]
New Book Review of Wifedom by Anna Funder
I posted a new book review on my YouTube channel on Anna Funder’s controversial book Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life. As a huge fan of George Orwell, I read this book at the same time as his books of his Diaries and Letters. It’s worth reading and it makes you question why his wife wasn’t […]