For the last week, those who have been following me know that I have been on holiday in Hawaii. We came over here to attend a friend’s wedding but also use it as an opportunity to rest and relax. With only seven more working days of left in my contract before I embark a freelancing […]
Search Results for: top learning tools
How to Use Yammer to Capture Reflections of Programs or Events
With all this talk of ‘Show My Work’, I decided to go on another tangent (as I normally do) and show another’s work! Shock, horror! Rest assured, with full attribution and with a profusion of thanks and gratitude to my good friend and colleague Paul Batfay (@freefacilitator) who has kindly agreed for me to show HIS […]
What Have I Been Up To?
Well another quiet Sunday morning – my best time to learn, reflect and share what I’ve been doing in the last week. It’s been a while since my last blog post but that’s because my Onboarding & Role Based Learning program that I have been working on for new branch managers is being rolled out and […]
Doesn’t Matter if You’re an Employee or a Penguin – It’s All About Taking Action
Earlier this month, an article on the ABC called out for knitters to knit jumpers for penguins affected by oil spills. Five days later, the Guardian posts another article, “Lay Down Your Needles, Knitters Are Covered For The Time Being” and stops the world in our penguin knitting frenzy. How did the world go so […]
What? You Don’t Do That? We Thought You Did….
Andrew Jacobs (@AndrewJacobsLD) wrote a blog post 50 Big Ideas to Change Learning and Development this week. Amusingly, about the same time as the Serious eLearning Manifesto was promoted. Although I haven’t fully explored the latter as I need to view the YouTube Google Hangout, Andrew’s blog post really hit the spot for me. He […]
Serendipitous Connections Lead You To a Better World
It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks since my last post. I think that I should scribble notes into my note pad every time I have an engaging and mentally stimulating encounter with people so I don’t forget what we talked about. Even better, I wish I could bottle their passion, enthusiasm and explosion of […]
Make Sure Yammer Doesn’t Turn Into a Ghost Town
Last week I wrote about a post about how I coached a colleague to use Yammer and explain its benefits on how it could increase her productivity and engagement in the workplace. This week the theme continued to be all about Yammer. I had many people asking me to learn more about it in particularly, […]
Are You Doing the MOOC or Focussing on the Platform?
I admit it. I’m the type of person who likes doing MOOCs. I didn’t say that I finish all of them however. The idea of enrolling into an online course, view the content, network with some people then decide whether you’re going to stick it out for its duration – or not is actually quite […]
Hanging Out in Google…As You Do…
This morning at work, I grabbed my laptop and dashed downstairs to the ground floor. To others, it’s an escape out of the building. For me, it’s where the free WiFi is so that’s where you’ll find me. We have a bank branch downstairs that has free wifi around its direct vicinity. I’m sure they’ve […]
What They Say About Me
Here are some of the clients I have worked with and for. Helen Palmer Helen is an open constant adventurous learner – and for this I have much admiration. She creatively and generously shares her stories and experiments of learning, her progress on learning adventures, and insights from learning. There’s always a nugget of something […]
I Love an A-Ha Moment
This week I had the opportunity to present at the Learn@Work Conference at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney. I recall the conference organiser asking me “what will you talk about?” when he called me up to invite me to speak. At the time, I couldn’t think straight because the office was noisy. The first […]
Third Place in Company & Conversation – A Place Where the PLN Gathers
This year will go down in my professional life as “The Year I Met my Online Personal Learning Network and Lived to Tell the Tale (Ad Nauseum)”. On average, every month I have met at least two people from my wider personal learning network whose connections I made through Twitter, LinkedIn or Yammer. I would […]
Show Your Work: Twitter for Professional Development Live Online Events
Some time ago, I ran a couple of sessions of Twitter for Professional Development to my Learning and Development colleagues in my current workplace. The aim was to share how I use Twitter to grow and connect with a personal learning network and to learn new trends happening in our profession. The sessions were conducted […]
What I Learned in May & June
‘What I Learned In <Insert Month Here>’ is a bit late so I joined May and June together in an effort to make me feel better about it. Recently, while watching the Game of Thrones, my mind drifted to a question that was floating around in my mind. Namely, “why do I even have this […]
Awarded the Rotary International Vocational Service Leadership Award
On Saturday 15 June I attended the Rotary District Governor Changeover night to welcome in the new District Governor of our Rotary District 9810 (which covers the south eastern and surrounds of Greater Melbourne). Recently I resigned (hopefully, temporarily) from Rotary as my workload was too great and I felt that I couldn’t give it […]
A Corporate Mini-MOOC on Digital Literacy Skills…An Idea Growing in My Head
For a while now, I’ve been teasing out an idea in my mind about rolling out a mini-MOOC in our organisation. After reading Ignatia de Waard’s eBook MOOC Yourself , watching the Google Hangout with Jay Cross and Dave Cormier and completing various MOOCs, I thought that it was high time to start applying this in the corporate […]
How I Work
This morning I read the two posts from Tracy Parish and David Kelly on how they work and thought it was a brilliant idea! The idea came from Life Hacker and if you want to see more stories, check them out here. So here’s mine… Location: Melbourne, Australia. Current Gig: Virtual Learning Consultant for one […]
Week 2: Teach the Web cMOOC
Mozilla Thimble Project with #TeachtheWeb I spent my Saturday afternoon in front of the PC (again) because my husband was watching the footy on TV. When the game is on, I clear out because it means obscenities being hurled at the umpires whenever any ball play goes against his football team. During these times, I […]
Week 2: Understanding Learners Needs
This week in #OCTEL, it was all about the learners – but I wasn’t so sure. With a background in learning and development, understanding learner needs is not new to me. I’ve done many needs analyses in my life so it comes part and parcel when designing any course but my thinking was focussed on […]
One Day in the Life of Me…
One of the assignments of the “Social Learning in Business” workshop run by the Social Learning Centre is to keep a journal reflecting on my day or two. Rather than scribble it down on a notepad, I’ll write my thoughts on my blog here. (In some parts of the world, this day hasn’t happened yet […]