The first line of this book announces an impending crisis in the training world that threatens it very survival. It says, “simply stated the crisis is the failure to show that investing in training produces demonstrateable business results. Link Training to Your Bottom Line was written by Dean Spitzer and Malcolm Conway in 2006 […]
Book Review: Social Media for Trainers: Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning by Jane Bozarth
Are you a learning and development professional who is hearing more about social media lately and quietly wondering how it will affect your role? Are you an instructional designer who believes that social media is a passing fad and one that cannot be incorporated into training programs for learners? Think again. Jane Bozarth’s new book […]
Book Review: Beyond e-Learning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Performance
Marc Rosenberg has written yet another book that takes e-Learning to the next level. When I initially bought the book, the concepts and models were slightly too futuristic for a majority of organisations and my clients. However, it is only recently that the questions are being asked as to what happens with e-learning from now […]
Book Review: The Blended Learning Book by Josh Bersin
Josh Bersin’s book on Blended Learning: Best Practices, Proven Methodologies and Lessons Learned is one that must be in any learning and development professional library or reading list. His approach to blended learning is simplified as he provides practical examples of how to structure and create a blended program. In particularly, he first outlines the […]