Today I headed into the city with mum to see the Open Horizon Greek Artefact Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. It was the first time in about 2.5 years my mum had come into Melbourne and indeed travelled on a train so it was nice to see her enjoying herself. It was my little birthday […]
Glimmers of Hope
It’s hard to believe that we have reached June already. Where does the time fly? It’s been a really weird year for me so far. Where 2020 was all about fear and anxiety of the unknown thanks to the pandemic, 2021 was tedium most of which was in lockdown unable to see anyone or my […]
Notifications Pinging
Early morning my phone started to ping like a thing possessed. Usually I have all my notification sounds turned off. Everything for work – off. Everything for social media – off. Most of the time, I get to my messages when I pick up the phone and see them sitting in there. My daily life […]
The Second Sock Syndrome
I’ve got a love-hate relationship with sock knitting. Although the knitting project is small, therefore easy to carry around and pick up wherever you go or whatever you do, once you finish one sock and still on a high that you’ve done so, there’s a crashing realisation you now need to knit another sock for […]
Enjoy The Moments
I stumbled upon this short video taken in 1901 of children seeing a camera for the first time in their life. It’s fascinating to watch this snippet. I watched it repeatedly as I’m always interested and intrigued of how people dressed and carried themselves in the past. You can see the snippet below. What I […]
A New Fitness Routine
Fitness for me is never consistent. I’ve never been someone who sticks to one thing and does it well. I like to swap and change depending on the moods and the seasons. The good thing is that I’ve been exposed to many and varied sports and interests. The bad thing is that I could never […]
Silent Screaming
In the last few years, I’ve been having more nightmares. Times in my deep sleep where I dream that I know I’m sleeping but need to get myself out of danger but no sound comes out of my mouth. In dreams, there are only silent screams. Last night, it happened again and Andrew had to […]
We Have Light
It’s fascinating to see how much we get used to a situation and then fail to change it because it seems bothersome to do so. For years, we didn’t replace all the light globes in our dining and lounge rooms for whatever reason. Instead I used lamps or lit candles, or just went to bed […]
That Time
Today I spent the better part of 15 minutes wandering in and out of rooms, checking on too and inside drawers, going through bags trying to find one pair of reading glasses. I’ve got two pairs but for some reason, I misplaced both. This seems to be happening more frequently as I enter rooms then […]
Community Roles Coming At Me
It’s 3:11 am. I was tossing and turning thinking of the most weird things. Namely, Bligh and the Rum Rebellion of 1808 in the penal colony of New South Wales. I had been thinking that if I time travelled back to this time, and met the man himself (who let’s face it, copped two mutinies […]
A Change of Government
For the entire day yesterday, I was anxious. Anxious for the results of the election. Anxious that the Australian people would vote the National Liberal Party in again and I was unable to face another three years of ultra conservative, right wing, Murdoch backed, corrupt politicians. I watched the entire election coverage watching for the […]
Working on Community
Today I focussed on creating a facilitated session on Building Community at my place of work, Rapid Circle. I work for this international company filled with highly competent and technical boffins who love solving problems and working on Microsoft 365 products. To be honest, a lot of what they talk about flies over my head […]
Weird Client Story No.1
Many years ago, I had a client who was off his face on drugs. Initially I had no idea that he was affected as he just seemed out of it. There was a lot of weirdness about him. I’d end up waiting for him to rock up to appointments made; he’d forget or he’d call […]
Grim Melbourne
Today I worked in the city. It’s the time of the year where it gets dark early. There are dead leaves on wet and oily city streets underfoot and you need to be careful where you step so you don’t slip. People are rushing to get to work or to get home. All in the […]
Princess Mary of Denmark
I watched this documentary today celebrating Princess Mary’s 50th birthday. Everyone loves Mary. I remember the whole media story when her romance with Frederick became public after the Sydney Olympic Games (that’s where they met). At the time, it was recounted as the “perfect love story” and given that in my younger years, I had […]
Call of The Gums
About a week ago, I visited a second hand store to browse some clothes and hopefully pick me up a bargain. I love second hand shops because you can spend hours in there having a bit of a look-see and you never know what you could find. Usually I walk away with more books than […]
I Love Hats
I have a head for hats. If someone asked me to name one positive think about my body, it would be my head for hats. That’s about it really. Everything else is pretty much take it or leave it. Okay. Maybe my straight nose, my eyes (albeit myopic) and, umm…nah, that’s about it. That’s a […]
Election Time
It’s election month in Australia and it’s a crazy time. On my name day, 21st May, Australia goes to the vote to determine the new political party that will govern us. I don’t take this responsibility lightly. I’ve always been someone who valued that we can vote in relative peace and that we can have […]
Living Overseas Is Now an Option
Yesterday after six months of going back and forth with Greece, we finally organised to have the paperwork submitted to the Greek National Land Registry Office. The Greek government has recently urged people who have any land to register it formally through the Cadastre. If you don’t do this, the government will seize the land. […]
A Curiosity Journey
Yesterday Orgdimension on Twitter sent this fantastic short film clip. Watch it and test your awareness of what’s happening on the screen then determine how much you pick up what’s going on. When I first saw the clip, I was amazed they did everything in one take. (That was the first thing I noticed because […]