Yesterday I conducted a webinar on “Getting Started in Twitter” for the VET Development Centre. The centre provides and supports the professional and educational development of vocational trainers, managers and staff through access to events, seminars, conferences and webinars. You can see some of the offerings in their Events Calendar. I was first introduced to the VET Development Centre […]
How To Connect With Our Audience (or Customers): A Lesson from the Arts
Last night, we saw the new musical production of Les Miserables at Her Majesty’s Theatre in Melbourne. We bought a souvenir program and wandered up the stairs to seek out a comfortable lounge to relax before the show started. I flicked through the program and read the short biographies of the cast and was surprised to […]
How Do You Explain Yammer and Other Stories
[View the story “How Do You Explain Yammer And Other Stories” on Storify]
Haven’t Met Your Online Buddies? Hang Out With Them!
Last Wednesday night, I organised a Google Hangout for Third Place. For those who aren’t aware, I created Third Place, a meetup group for anyone interested in learning, performance and development across all fields. What started out as meetups in Melbourne only are now in Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane and Adelaide and all run by a […]
Have You Completed Your Online Compliance Training?
This week the Australian Institute of Training Development (AITD) invited me to be one of the panel members to the Equal Opportunity Employment Network (EEON) held at the Landers & Rogers law firm in Melbourne. The discussion was on “Compliance in the Age of Online and Social Learning” centred around lessons learned from a high profile […]
Yammer for Learning & Networking
Many people have asked me what I have been doing now that I’m out of the corporate world and smack bang into the freelance consulting world. It’s now been four weeks out of a 9 to 5 job and the best thing about my new lifestyle is that I don’t have the dreaded commute every morning battling […]
Are You a Twitter Wally?
Here’s a nifty little tool for your next conference or workshop. It’s called TweetWally. I liked the name. Wally – hence I thought it was worth 15 minutes of my time playing around on it. Okay 5. With Australian vernacular, a “wally” is someone who keeps making mistakes but it’s said in a friendly, endearing […]
What’s My Niche…Part 2
For the last few weeks, I have been busy planning. You should see my study walls filled sticky whiteboard paper with my ideas of what I can ‘package up’ and start to sell. It’s been a creative and stimulating time as I let my ideas get ahead of me but at the same time, it’s […]
What Have I Been Up To This Week?
It’s been a ripper of a week. I was introduced to new ideas and discussions that got me excited so I thought I’d cover them off in one blog post although I could easily write a post about each interaction. Skype with @twofacedHR Lady Vanessa Wiltshire It seems awkward to write her Twitter handle (because she […]
What’s Your Niche?
People have been asking me ‘where to from here?’ and it’s an interesting question. There are so many opportunities and ideas to explore every time I meet new people who inspire me. These ideas then float around in my head and it’s hard to snatch at just one to see it through. It’s frustrating because my […]
How Fascinating Are You?
I’m in my third day of freelancing and truth be told, I’m feeling scattered. So many ideas tumble around in my head that I need to make sense of them. In my home office, I’ve stuck “Magic Whiteboard” on the walls and as the ideas come to me, I grab the coloured markers and scribble them […]
Does Learning & Working Out Loud Help Graduates?
Well I guess we’ll find out soon enough…. Last week I had the pleasure of presenting to our graduates on Yammer. I was asked by the Graduate Committee to run a virtual classroom for our graduates to encourage their use of Yammer. The committee wanted graduates to learn how to use the tool so that they had a way […]
How to Cycle in Puerto Rico when You’re Not There & It’s 6 Years Ago
Many may not know (well you do now), that I’ve been blogging since 2005 about various things unrelated to learning, work or performance on my Ramblings blog. In fact, Ramblings was more of a movie and book review site, with lots of knitting and travel stories, posts about Demis Roussos, Greek politics, cat gifs and a […]
How to Wrangle WordPress – Learning Out Loud
I’m always a bit anxious when I get onto my WordPress site to do some maintenance. Why? There’s a morbid fear that when I press, “Update Plugin” that I will lose the content of my blog. Years of writing, reflections and photos gone at the single click of a button. However, there’s a paradox to […]
Do you Learn or Experience Culture?
“The only thing worse than learning from experience is not learning from experience.” – Unknown I’ve been in Waikiki for the last two weeks taking some time out for some rest and relaxation. Hawaii is our travel destination of choice for those times when we need to chill out and just enjoy lazy days of […]
How To Holiday Out Loud
For the last week, those who have been following me know that I have been on holiday in Hawaii. We came over here to attend a friend’s wedding but also use it as an opportunity to rest and relax. With only seven more working days of left in my contract before I embark a freelancing […]
For Every Vertical There is a Horizontal…
Many may have noticed a change in the types of tweets, blog posts and activities I have been writing and sharing over the last year moving away from a learning and development focus to an organisational focus. There’s no need to fear. It simply means that I have been trying to understand how what I do at […]
Where’s Your Third Place?
For a small group of Third Place members last Thursday, it was at the NAB Village. The NAB Village is a specifically designed co-working space for National Australia bank business customers to learn, work and connect. We were lucky enough to be invited to use this space for our meetup and marvelled at the collaborative spaces that allowed […]
How to Use Yammer to Capture Reflections of Programs or Events
With all this talk of ‘Show My Work’, I decided to go on another tangent (as I normally do) and show another’s work! Shock, horror! Rest assured, with full attribution and with a profusion of thanks and gratitude to my good friend and colleague Paul Batfay (@freefacilitator) who has kindly agreed for me to show HIS […]
My Reflections of the Australian Institute of Training Development National Conference
Last week I travelled north up to Sydney to attend the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) National Conference at the Australian Technology Park. I hadn’t planned to attend the conference but when an invitation from eLearning Provocateur Ryan Tracey landed in my inbox asking me to be a member of one of the panel sessions, […]