It’s been a few years since I last attended this particular event at the annual Alliance Francaise Film Festival. So I decided to attend once again this year as it’s been some time that I’ve done something like this for myself.
Usually I go to events like this by myself and find people to chat to while over there. Last night I went a bit early to find a nice little corner to people watch and then got into the queue for food and drink before everyone.

This year we didn’t have the box of goodies instead a buffet of various quiches, pastries and macarons. The lemon macaron I had was delicious. I hadn’t tasted them before!

The movie was Rivera Revenge or in French Avouer Jamais which was a comedy. I laughed out loud a few times and it was a great movie to start the festival off with. I’m thinking of going to the movies on Friday night to see The Count of Monte Cristo and then on Saturday, I’m meeting up with my French group to see Aznavour.

It’s been a quiet few months this year laying low at home reading, playing golf and going to the parents. There’s been some days I’ve caught up with a few friends for coffee but overall, with the excessive heat (we don’t have air conditioning), the heat has exhausted us to the point that we are so lazy. There have been days just spent on cool cotton sheets on the bed with wet towels draped over me to get some respite. Winter can’t come quickly enough….
An update:
I’ve been continuing to copy and paste 1498 blog posts into a Word document. I’m onto the year 2022 which has over 300 posts. It’s a slow going process and already I have FOUR volumes each with about 250 pages in a Word file. Once all copies and pasted, I’ll figure out a way to print them all out into books.
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