I can’t believe another year down.
Where did the time go?
In 2024, I kept a daily diary where I wrote down what I did, where I went and what happened each day.
Let’s just say there was a lot of golf and reading going on…
I started the year optimistically with the goal of writing more creatively, even signing up for a couple of courses at the Australian Writers Centre.
However, by mid year, that interest had waned as I had a massive realisation.
It was that I didn’t want to spend any more time in front of a computer screen preferring more in-person social connections and getting out and about. (The editing of my videos in my YouTube video irks me too – I. Simply. Hate. The. Computer. Now).
So I played more golf.
Twice a week – consistently – and many times with an additional hour or two of practice on the range.
Just. hitting. balls.
Sadly, I lost a few friends and family through illness that knocked me about but losing Pud our cat which happened suddenly, spiralled me into a deep grief for months (and of which I’m still feeling his loss) but I feel something inside me has shifted.
I’ve also come to realise that I need to come to terms with such things (sickness, death, grief) happening in my life as I age.
It’s part of life. I can’t control any of it. It is what it is.
The world is a crazy place at the moment. People are angry but it feels like I’ve a numbness now when I hear another awful story on the news. It seems that we have gone beyond the nonsensical now. It’s pointless trying to understand it.
In 2024, I spent a lot of time at home hibernating (when not on the golf course) and there were some lovely short local trips I enjoyed when I got out.
I drove to various suburbs of Melbourne to explore and flâneur for a few hours. It’s made me realise how huge this city is and how each suburb has its own personality. I visited places like markets, modern art sculpture parks, heritage homes, and walked a lot. I even played at some other golf courses. I explored Canberra for a few days early this year while up there for a family wedding which was a highlight for 2024.
I read 104 books, watched 62 movies on tv and wrote hundreds of pages in my diaries and journals.
I uploaded four videos on my YouTube channel every month and increased my subscribers to 5500. I made about $200 every few months from my channel which helps a bit. I sold some of my books on eBay – and gave away a whole heap too. I decluttered a lot of stuff at home and from my cupboards.
My French journey continued to the point now that along with golf, it’s integrated into my life and I have a small group of Francophile friends who I chat with regularly.
I don’t know what 2025 will hold. I’ve not made any resolutions or personal goals and leaving it up to the universe. I feel like I’m a completely different person to what I was even a few years ago but I’m at a place where I’m comfortable with how I spend my time. My favourite times being at home reading quietly sitting outside in the garden or in the sunroom with a cup of coffee and biscuit. Or on the golf course where I could just be in my head.
Wishing you all a happy new year and may it be filled with all that you love to do.
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