My latest video is a vlog where I answer some questions that no one has asked (let’s get real about that 🤣)
The questions are:
- Why did I start Life Lessons From Books?
- How do I have time to read?
- How many books do I read?
- Where do I source books?
- Why I don’t promote on social media?
There’ll be some other questions which I’ll answer on another video (Part 2) and I’m thinking of answering these questions:
- What tools or apps do I use for reading?
- What’s my note taking process when reading?
- My thoughts on Amazon (I’m thinking of removing my Affiliate Account because it’s not worth it. If you don’t make a sale in three months through your affiliate page, they shut you down anyway. It’ll be one less thing to do as no one tells you just how much of a time suck doing all this is. 😒
I’m also thinking of doing a video on how I read French books (it’s La Rentrée Literaire in France at the moment so it’s fitting to be reading in French at the moment and seeing all the new books out. I’m currently reading Virginie Grimaldi’s latest called Une Belle Vie) and the note taking process but making videos take a long time and my computers are so very slow because they’re both about 14 and 15 years old.
Every time I open up iMovie to edit them, it takes AGES that I give up and just go and do something else. It’s the reason why I use my phone for nearly everything but it’s nice to have a computer to do grunt work. It would mean I can do more creative editing more comfortably and quickly (and not so many talking head videos). Oh well.
I’m seriously thinking of buying a mini Mac which is a little hard drive box that connects to your accessories so in effect you have the MacOS but you can use your own display screen. Anyway, just thoughts at the moment as I hold off from buying any large purchases at the moment.
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