It’s a bit hilarious to think that the highlight of this week will be Book Club. We are both looking forward to it as an event not to be missed!
Well, the book this month was Australian author, Christos Tsiolkas new book “The In-Betweeners”.
For anyone who knows his writing, well you can understand where I’m going with this. His latest book is a love story between two middle aged men. Unfortunately I was unable to finish it and quit within the first 100 or so pages due to the sexually graphic nature of the book. It’s full on to say the least – and not my cup of tea.
Part of me thinks that whoever chose the book hadn’t read it nor knew of its content?
Regardless, our book club consisting of ladies my age and older will have a thing or two to say about it.
If anything, the little I did read made me realise of how we think of relationships between people. Men, women, young, old, straight or gay, we all have hang ups but this book shone a light on gay relationships which to me I had no idea about. So I guess I got an education of sorts.
Maybe that’s what the discussion will focus on tonight? Busting our perceptions of love and romance between two men in their 50s who have been hurt romantically in their past?
So what goes on at Book Club, stays in book club.
Ooh, it’ll be interesting tonight!
Update Afterwards: It WAS a great book club. A few people refused to read it but on the whole, discussion went on longer than the hour. Many people liked the book because it presented a world they hadn’t known about. Overall, a successful book chat.
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