Celine Schillinger wrote this wonderful book recently that I have recommended to everyone I know. It’s a book about a different style of leadership needed in today’s world.
When I was reading the book, there were times when I was angry and had to put it down to reflect more. It wasn’t what was written, it simply brought up my own memories and constant obstacles that were put my way in enterprises with people who didn’t understand about the value of shared collaboration, communication and transparency and visibility of work.
Since 2010, I have been working in organisations helping them see the value of this and yet, what we always come up against is organisational culture of tradition, hierarchy and power. Reading this book I wondered whether organisations and their leadership have actually changed post-covid? We simply can’t be doing the same thing over and over. The world needs new ideas and creative solutions – and we all need to have a voice at work.
Give it a read – it’s highly recommended.
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