What do you do if you feel you lack time when it comes to learning all the things you want to learn?
Do it all in the one go.
Find things that build upon each other.
For example, I’m new to golf.
And I’m a left handed golfer at that.
Golf is a backwards sport. Meaning that high numbers are bad, low numbers are good. If you have a teacher, or learn by demonstrations, it’s likely it’ll be relevant for right handed golfers who are the majority and which means you, as the lefty, needs to invert everything in your head. It can get quite confusing.
What one right handed person says is a draw to a lefty it’s a slice and vice versa.
But guess what?
I’m learning French too!
To learn a language, you need to incorporate it into your daily life.
At the moment, Thursdays are my “French” days where I allocate some hours to speaking to friends overseas and also attending my French conversation classes. This is at the expense of being out there on the golf course….
So this comes to the rescue.
A French leftie shares his tips on golf in his own language so I feel as if I’m doing both.
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