For the entire day yesterday, I was anxious. Anxious for the results of the election. Anxious that the Australian people would vote the National Liberal Party in again and I was unable to face another three years of ultra conservative, right wing, Murdoch backed, corrupt politicians.
I watched the entire election coverage watching for the magic number of 76 seats to the Australian Labor Party. It got close and there’s still postal votes to be counted but the election was called a victory for the ALP.
The mood of the night and of Australia was ecstatic. It felt as if we could collectively breathe again. We needed new hope and inspiration.
Our incoming prime minister opened his address with an acknowledgment to the traditional owners of the land, he mentioned the words “together” and “kindness”. Words we hadn’t heard in decades with a government past hell bent on creating division.
Australia needs some major reforms in areas of climate change, environment, treatment of refugees, social housing, healthcare and more. The previous government had no plans and I believe set Australia backwards because of it.
Yesterday we saw that seats that were Liberal had swung to Independents by large margins. People had finally spoken that they’ve had enough.
Women had enough too being treated as second class citizens in Australia by the Libs.
Albanese has a long road ahead of him but I feel he is the right leader to take Australia into the future. A more compassionate one focused on policies that will help Australia and future generations. One that doesn’t resort to media leaks, jobs for the boys, shifting blame, doublespeak, rorts.
I pretty much feel as you do, Helen.
I don’t think I could have stood another few years of the Libs. I would have lost hope for Australia. I’m so glad this sent a message to them that change needs and must happen.