I ran out of ideas to write about so I was inspired by this short video I created of our adorable fat cat, Pud.
I wrote about Pud, in a post called What My Cat Teaches Me About Myself and I would say that he has played such an important role during the lockdowns. (Ok, our lives!). He has provided relief, company and enjoyment and I love him so much.
Here’s his routine. He’s quite a busy cat.
Pud wakes up from his day long slumber and walks over to my desk, brushes himself against my legs. Looks up at me sleepily and yawns. He then licks his behind momentarily before lying flat on the floor waiting for a belly rub. He lets out little groans for attention. I rub his belly. If I ignore him, he’ll move closer and plonk himself ON my feet. Paw rests on my foot. Tail bangs on floor.
This is the time he’s now getting anxious if not fed, he starts biting filing cabinet handles. Alternatively he jumps up near me on the desk and starts biting electronic cables or getting in behind the computer screen (because he knows I will get up from my desk).
He thinks it’s a game and starts swatting at me, lying on his back, watching me intently for any movement towards the kitchen.
1600 ish: I get up from the desk and he’s up like a shot. I have to feed him now or he creates havoc. After he is fed, he disappears again to sleep. He doesn’t have a specific bed where he sleeps. He rotates his sleeping places. Other times it’s on the hall way runner, other times our bed, either of two couches in the house, the lounge room floor.
1800: Andrew arrives home. Pud is usually still asleep somewhere. At odd times he’s awake, he accompanies me to the kitchen where I cook dinner, jumps up on kitchen chair under the table and settles there to watches me cook.
2030: Pud arises and wanders into the lounge room yawning. He sighs deeply looking at Andrew or myself. He will scratch the underside of the extended chair that Andrew is sitting on until Andrew bangs on it to stop Pud scratching it. Pud ignores it and continues scratching. He has a bit of a roll around on his back washing himself. Afterwards, stares at Andrew for a while before jumping up (with a groan might I add) and sits on the arm of the sofa to get a head scratch from Andrew. Pud settles on top of sofa and dozes off.
2130-2200: Time we go to bed. Television is turned off. The instant the television sounds off, Pud recognises the sound and jumps off to walks off to the bedroom. He leads the way in case we have forgotten how to get there. He miaows at us to get a move on.
In bedroom, he stares up at us and then jumps on the bed waiting for his treats. Andrew gives him his treats. Pud eats them and then jumps off the bed, pads off down the hallway and disappears. We fall asleep.
Later: I have no idea where Pud is but methinks he goes outside to his enclosure for a little while. I hope he bathes himself. He’s such a big cat that he washes himself on his back. He rolls around, he bathes himself, he rolls again. Bathing is useless.
Midnight – 0200: Pud walks into our bedroom, jumps on bed and settles at Andrew’s feet or his side and falls asleep until we wake up in the morning.
0600: The instant the radio alarm turns in, Pud walks over to Andrew and just stares at us. We can hear him sigh loudly. He just stares until we wake. He recognises that Andrew won’t feed him (as he’s first in the bathroom), so he lies on the bed and just stares at me. The moment I make a move that looks like I’m getting up, he jumps off the bed and comes over to my side, shaking his tail and miaowing loudly. He shows me the way to the kitchen getting in front of my feet. As I’m walking to the kitchen, he takes a long stretch which more often than not, makes me stumble.
0615: Pud now at my feet wanting a belly rub and some play. He stares up at me sighing. He doesn’t like my iPhone. He looks at that too. Plonks down on the floor, one eye looking up at me, tail bangs loudly on floor. Play time.
0615-0630: He runs around the house like some mad animal. Sometimes I chase him too. This is our play time before I leave the house for my morning walk.
0630: Says goodbye to Andrew leaving home for the office. Then he trots off to his chair to sleep ms until the afternoon.
Who said cats don’t have a routine?
Love it. Looks like a good lad.