So I continue to share my thoughts and reflections on this week’s snap stories.
Monday 24 April 2017
The day before we commemorate our Servicemen and women who have fought in the wars, I briefly mention my own service days.
Wednesday 26 April 2017
Today I talk about how I pitched an idea at work to support learning about curation in our organisation creating a Curation Board on our curation platform with various resources on curation that I collected over the years. That is, learning about the skill of curation by using the same platform in order to collect and curate resources – meta learning!
Friday 28 April 2017
It’s a fun snap today so all you get is a city tour of Melbourne and my favourite art deco building!
Saturday 29 April 2017
I had some up and down days this week and I figured it’s so easy to complain about a lot of things – truth be told, I don’t mind a whinge or three. However, I realised that it’s actually quite pointless. So instead, I threw caution in the wind and just hung out with friends.
Key Reflections for this Week
In all honesty, people don’t care what you think or what you do. Sure, there will be plenty of times when things go wrong – and they do. If you weren’t involved in the original decisions and implementations and then things go wrong, of course, you want to help others out because complaining about it only hinders you and it peeves others. I caught myself a few times this week complaining because of my frustration at some things and how they were handled. However, you can only do what you can. The switched on people around you can see the situation for what it is and will work with you to salvage some things so that you don’t lose your time, money or dignity. For those people, I’m grateful. They see that we’re all playing a game.