A couple of months ago, I saw an opportunity to assist a friend to build her photography and video production business and in return, learn more about the new medium of video that I am exploring. I always wanted to do a short film about my social networking meetup group called Third Place but I didn’t know how to go about it. When the opportunity presented itself, it was evident that it was going to be a mutual learning experience that would benefit both our businesses. You can read more about the process in my blog post Filming Third Place as I worked out loud through the process.
I approached Colin Steed (@ColinSteed) from the LearningNow TV, a live streamed internet TV channel focussed on Learning and Development and he agreed to air the short film in the October program which coincidentally happened to be LearningNow TV’s first birthday.
(If you haven’t seen the show, then I strongly recommend you sign up and check out both the live shows that are on once a month and the catalogue of previous shows). What I love about LearningNow TV is that it is a new medium for people interested in Learning and Development to view, explore and also chat (in real time when the shows are airing), with others. The interviews, case studies and tips provide viewers with new ideas for engaging and inspiring learning in their own organisations as well as broadening your network with people you can contact overseas. In a way, I feel that LearningNow TV has made the global Learning and Development world that much smaller and connected.
The show was aired on Friday morning in Australia and although I was unable to watch it ‘live’ – I did receive an excited phone call from my friend who was happy to see her production aired and have a group of people “interacting” with it through the live chat forum. She was giving me a run down of what was being showed and what people were saying about it. Then later, other people sent me DMs through Twitter asking about the concept of Third Place. So I was glad that not only was this short video aired on LearningNow TV but I had an opportunity to not only be part of a video production and learn some techniques behind the scenes but that it was a collaborative and co-operative effort with a good friend where both our involvement was serving particular needs for us. Hers to build a portfolio (okay, as well as try out her new camera equipment and me, well, all I wanted to learn is to create a story and have that reflected on the screen).
For those who missed out on the LearningNow TV and who would like to see other shows related to learning and development, you can register here.
Otherwise, if you want to see the short film on Third Place, here it is….
Big thank you to Third Place Members for participating in the filming:
- Brett Solomano (@BrettSolomano)
- Katherine Phelps, The Friends Institute
- Meredith Lewis, (@DangerousMere) Dangerous Meredith
- Janelle Sheen
- Richard Vass, eLearning Brothers (who linked in via Skype to join us with a virtual coffee)
- Open Door Media Productions for the filming and editing
- NAB Village for providing a great venue for our meetup
- A big thank you to LearningNowTV for being patient with us through this learning process and airing it! 🙂
Are you interested to learn a new tip, tool or app to activate your learning?
On the first of every month, I email out a newsletter with four tips, tools and ideas that get you learning and applying these to your own work, personal or professional development called Activate My Learning.
Share what you create and learn from others on how they’ve used the tools through posting your creation on social networks using the hashtag #activatemylearning. Subscribe here.
I am just about to dash out the door for a week in the country with limited internet access so I won’t be able to watch this for a week. But well done You! Congrats on getting this aired.