Yesterday I created another vlog. I travelled into a suburb of Melbourne called Box Hill to go and get some legal advice. It was the first time in my life that I had need of a solicitor and they came highly recommended. (I posted the question on Facebook and two of my good friends – who don’t know each other – mentioned the same firm so I went with that. You know, power in the crowd and all that).
I explain why I needed this advice in the video but it was mainly to be able to set up mutually beneficial and good working arrangements with my clients when working with them that respect both our positions and how that work will be used. I had planned to work out of the library most of the day but as you’ll see, this was impossible.
Also the charge ran out of the camera battery so you didn’t see me rushing around the shopping centre of this suburb, mobile phone in hand trying to figure out where free wi-fi was. In the end, I went into a Telstra shop and bought myself a pre-paid sim card, called my husband and politely asked to work out at his office. Amazingly, I got a lot of work done despite sitting in an office cubicle the rest of the day. I curated some references and created an outline for a customised Social Learning program for a retail client. Did I miss the office environment? No, not at all.
Here’s my Work Out Loud Day:
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