[…] account which they may not want to share with you). After my surprising experience with the Future of Work Conference this week where I met people who did not have LinkedIn accounts nor carried business cards (or indeed […]
I vote for banning email too…… Also like idea of defining yourself by benefits you bring, not what you do – although I think many people will still want to understand how you will create those benefits. Still not sure after reading this what the future of work looks like, especially if there are people at an event like this who are not using social media.
Thanks for your reply to the post Michelle greatly appreciated. I agree, about the benefits and how to create those benefits. All I have is the benefit of my own experience with building and creating my own personal learning networks through social media and how they have provided me more professional development than I care to remember any organisation providing me. So my intention is to show how organisations and teams can do the same by undertaking a “social audit” to see what systems, tools and access people have; also see how they view social media and knowledge sharing as it all plays a part. Hopefully I can then help teams look at the myriad of tools that are currently available to use; and also help learning teams to consider these when developing their learning programs. I’m looking forward to showing and guiding others on how they can use Sharepoint, Yammer, Ning and other open source tools in their learning programs and teaching others to be community managers. But first, it’s not about the tools – I have to teach them first to use them themselves and role model the behaviour of being social – that’s the tough part. After about 4 years of doing this, I’m still considered ‘the geek’ because I blog, use social media and use discussion forums…
Great storify Helen. Have always loved how you weave reflection and narrative into a storify to add context and make it compelling (just like all your posts!). Looks like a fascinating couple of days, lots of food for thought. I saw a couple of your tweets on one of the days but missed following most of it, so great to be able to come back and check it out more thoroughly. Thanks : )