This morning at work, I grabbed my laptop and dashed downstairs to the ground floor. To others, it’s an escape out of the building. For me, it’s where the free WiFi is so that’s where you’ll find me.
We have a bank branch downstairs that has free wifi around its direct vicinity. I’m sure they’ve seen me hanging around there like a bad smell. It’s never to take any money out or deposit any money. It’s all about their WiFi. Today was no different.
“OMG, there’s that mad woman again,” I overheard a branch member say.
Today I was hanging out in Google with Jo Cooke (@LightbulbJo) and it was the first time we had met online – and actually talked to each other apart from tweeting. She and Alistair Cockcroft (@acockroft) volunteered for us to learn together after I tweeted last Sunday that it was no fun hanging out in Google by yourself with two laptops. For one, the head turning from one laptop to the desktop, the audio feeback and well, the pathetic nature of it all doesn’t lend itself to an enriching learning experience.
So while Alistair was unable to make it, like troupers, Jo and I continued with the hangout. It was 9pm in the UK and Jo was getting ready for bed, meanwhile 8am our time, I was getting fired up ready for the new work day – more excited about this hangout than any meetings I had on for the day – and I hadn’t even had my coffee yet.
Jo and I checked out the various apps and back and forth we bantered, “so what did you see?” and then considered how they may be used in the learning context. Aside from breaking the ice and mucking around with funny hats and glasses onto our profiles, we both came away with an understanding of this tool. In particularly, the functions I liked were:
(a) You Tube video: you can show You Tube video to your hangout group and then continue to talk through certain bits by holding down a green ‘talk’ button.
(b) Google Hangout Toolbox had some nifty functions such as custom overlays and creating preset titles and logos on your screen image. For example, you may want to have different titles for different audiences of Google Hangouts and you could simply click them on and off as you needed to clear the picture.
(c) Slideshare: You can upload your slides onto Slideshare and then click through the slides while talking to them or assign someone else in your hangout to do this.
(d) There was a colourful app all about project collaboration and assigning tasks to people which then came through onto your Gmail account and Google calendar.
So all in all, a successful hangout just testing various functionality and apps.
The questions I was asking was, why and how would I use them in my line of work?
Well, the challenge is that I wouldn’t – not during work hours or for actual client project work. In my current corporate environment, I had to use my own tools and find free wifi as I couldn’t access Google Hangouts through our own firewall.
It would have solved so many problems if we did have access to these tools but we have other standard enterprise software tools we must use for privacy or security reasons. However, for personal development when I need to get a small group together outside of work hours then it’s an entirely different matter. Google Hangouts prove to be quite flexible and with a bit of fun element to them. If they can be recorded in the future, that would be a bonus.
So where to from here?
I’d like to do a Google Hangout with my Meet up group Third Place and have our Newcastle and Melbourne people join (and whoever else would like to join) to learn to socialise online and learn this new tool.
Great breakdown on Google Hangouts. I too played with them but only for a few minutes, I didn’t get into as much details as you did. One thing I did find that you might be interested in (hopefully I’m not mistaken) is that you can record them. I inadvertently did just that and it published it to my Google+ timeline. It recorded to YouTube and it wasn’t anything interesting or that I wanted to leave on my Google+ stream but it seemed to have work nonetheless. I’ll have to pull it back up again soon and see if I can find it again.
Thanks Nick, I’d be interested in knowing more. I was under the impression that you can record Google Hangouts on Air which are different to the Google Hangouts of just 10 people. I know that there are some sites that show how you can record the hangouts by opening screen recorders in the background like Camtasia or Screen-cast-o-Matic while the inside window is of the actual hangout. It would be so much easier if there was just a Record button to record the whole lot without having to use another tool in the background. I am hopeful that Google will fix this soon. However, I could be wrong so looking forward to seeing if you’ve come across something different.
Unfortunately I didn’t come across anything different. Hangouts on Air is what I did, but still seems to record everything successfully after which the post on Google+ can be deleted and the video made private on your YouTube stream. Not so great for proprietary material that can’t be seen though. I was recording myself testing and talking gibberish for the whole world to see 🙂
Ah, okay I knew about it being recorded on Hangouts on Air but not about it being made private and onto your own YouTube stream. Like we know, it’s a great way to connect with people but ultimately it’s how you use it and for what purposes. I wouldn’t use it for work purposes as it would go against our policies but at the same time, it wouldn’t work for us either as YouTube is also blocked. What I’m seeing is that there are a myriad of tools out there that we can use (free and paid) but ultimately, if you’re working in an organisation, the condition is to work within their IT policy or work with the IT department to see what can or can’t be used and why.
It’s like we have to have two frames of mind and approaches in our line of work: One for our work and organisation – and only using the tools and software provided to us; and another for our personal use where there’s an over abundance of choice. Also, I could design options that allow for the use of the personal use but these then would fall under people doing these activities in their own time and on their own equipment – and many simply don’t want to do that.