Yesterday I attended a Becoming a Digital Leader workshop at the Old Treasury Building. It was a pilot program developed by Leadership Victoria with Cynthia Mahoney from Cynthia Mahoney Associates and its objectives were:
- To explain the potential impact of digital media in driving change and achieving objectives in the workplace and the community
- Explore the skills and attributes of Digital Leaders
- Explore the barriers, challenges and risks of Digital Leadership
- Increase the motivation, confidence and knowledge to become a Digital Leader
- Through activities and shared experiences and insights with peers and presenters, develop strategies to apply the learning to achieve workplace or community objectives
- Review personal strengths and weaknesses as a Digital Leader and commence an action plan for development
Rather than write a long winded blog post (okay I did but as I’m still trying to figure out this self hosted WordPress site, I had lost the work somehow that made me yell to the gods…), in the end, I just decided to just Storify it.
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