This is a first.
Not only will it be the shortest post I have written in my blog – but there are two video podcasts!
Alan Levine (@cogdog) wants our stories about how sharing on the web has helped our lives. He wants to know what happened to you when you shared something on the web that was valuable to someone else. Listen to what he asks for:
So in the spirit of sharing and doing something out of the ordinary to learn something new, I decided to take on the challenge and (horror, cringe), tape (do we still call it this?) my story.
I called it Legend in Her Own Lunchbox as a tongue-in-cheek title that seemed better than “Helen’s Video” – or something as utterly mind numbing as that. Rest assured, it wasn’t easy for me to do this – my voice quivered, my hair had a mind of its own (yes, I did brush it dare you ask) and well, maybe the camera angle wasn’t the best. But hey, details…
So here’s my story and yes, you guessed it – knitting is mentioned.
Let’s get some more stories from my own PLN of Learning and Development professionals.
What say you? Are you up for the challenge?
Thanks Helen for stepping up to the challenge and sharing your entre into network connectivity via your interests. I’ve heard fantastic stories of how well connected knitters can be (it seems appropriate, et? knitting the webs?). I remember a session on this at Northern Voice, a Canadian blogging conference in the mid 2000s, and not only were the knitters sharing their experiences of connecting via blogs, they knitted right through the session.
Your story of your conference experience reminds me of an early formative article that continues to ring true to me about twitter being a social sixth sense as Clive Thompson wrote in Wired in 2007
Keep on connecting!
And thanks for being an early story sharer for my project.
Thanks Alan. Yes I was pleasantly surprised that my perception of knitters as being old ladies completely wrong. I spent over 35 years just learning to knit myself through books and trial and error – hidden away from the public so that I wasn’t stereotyped. When I stumbled on knitchat and then attended a knitters group I saw that these people were seriously well connected bloggers. Not only did they have their knitting needles, but they had their iPads nearby for all their sharing. I was dumbstruck. However the biggest opportunity has been making networks with other learning and development people in my field around the world. Thanks again for this opportunity and for the record, no I still don’t knit in public.
Thanks, Helen, for your story and for inspiring me to do my own! Your video gave me the courage to make my own, because I’m also pretty nervous in front of a video camera. Just finished recording mine, and will send to Alan as soon as it’s done.
I’m in Melbourne too, but just temporarily–for sabbatical. Otherwise I live in Vancouver, BC. etmooc has a lot of Australians and Canadians!
How wonderful Christina! Yes, I’m not comfortable either but I thought why not? Everyone has been doing their own set of challenges on #etmooc and this was mine. Looking forward to seeing the personal stories. In two weeks,I get to meet a couple of Twitter pals in person so it just goes to show how social media has brought people with shared interests together!